I am not crazy about either, but I’d take Chris Matthews over Chuck “I have naked pictures of MSNBC bigwigs” Todd.
I am not crazy about either, but I’d take Chris Matthews over Chuck “I have naked pictures of MSNBC bigwigs” Todd.
I volunteer as tribute!
Yes, every Democrat running for POTUS is seeking endorsements from homophobic groups like Focus on the Family and the likes of Jerry Falwell Jr. Democrats are the ones in statehouse introducing anti trans bathroom bills. Democrats are the party of Rick Santorum and Mike Pence.</s>
John Oliver also has a good segment on this (easily found on YouTube).
It may be over the shark dancer, but you can’t ignore that they do have an ex in common (John Mayer).
I have an index card box of recipes. I use the colored index cards with each color being a different category.
A better compromise would be for Starbucks to have self-serve drip coffee (which many coffee places already do).
Can’t speak for Texas, but Florida has a large influx of northern conservative retirees.
My nieces will be 5 and 7 when this comes out (and have a newborn baby brother by then). I plan on taking them on Thanksgiving morning (before dinner) to get them out of my sister’s hair for a bit.
That song was reserved for Mariano Rivera.
I used to work for Kohl’s.
Olivia Jade taught me everything I need to know about influencers.
With the way that the population shifts in NY have been, I doubt she loses her seat. In the past when they lost 2, it has been one upstate one downstate, but upstate is losing population much faster (and no GOP controlled state senate in Albany).
REality star isn’t exactly the best background for POTUS either.
That’s not the DNC’s fault. Mitch McConnell has ruined the institution of the senate to the point where both parties are having trouble recruiting 2020 candidates.
Replying back just to say how much I love your avatar photo. I make pussyhats and used to have a cat that looked like the one in your photo.
Bill DeBlasio may not make the debate stage.
The problem is the ‘girlboss’ language (or #bossbabe as they like to say) has been hijacked by MLMs. So many of these kids think that being a CEO (which a lot of MLM sellers claim they are) means spending hours on social media annoying the shit out of everyone so you can push your essential oils/weight loss…
If everyone else is bringing booze, I bring chips and salsa. You need munchies with booze.