
Don’t insult Divine.

She could make more from the tell-all than her inheritance will be.

Since my top pick for (US) AG has been tapped as a running mate, can Letitia James get a promotion come January?

I was taught at a very early age that you washed your face with a washcloth. I was surprised to learn that people do things differently.

Either Senator Katie Porter or Sec. of Treasury Katie Porter.

I remember that store.  I was dressed with a lot of clothes from there courtesy of my stepgrandmother.

My mom (and all her now deceased ancestors) are old school Mainers (although my mom’s lived in NY since the 70s). Never once have I been told (while up there) to brush my teeth with bottled water.

If I were the powers that be, I’d play “Bad Touch” by the Bloodhound Gang.

Look up Randy Rainbow’s “Cruella DeVos” on YouTube.

I’m a single renter with a side business (Etsy store).  I claim single 0 and if my store does well withhold extra to cover those taxes.

A Kayne West-Elon Musk cabinet requirement must be at least one kid with a terrible name.

Chad is a white frat boy, likely Karen’s son.  In a retail or restaurant setting, Karen is yelling at the manager because her coupon expired while Chad is hitting on the (teen) female employees.

Hey in the 2017 special senate election in Alabama, Nick Saban received more write in votes than the margin of victory.

I am also 40. I’ve returned to seeing my friends but outdoors (front porch hangout with ordering pizza and BYOB). I don’t plan on going to a bar, nightclub, or concert anytime soon (if my state ever opens them up).

I believe that Cortez-Masto has withdrawn from consideration.

Elizabeth Warren’s my top VP choice.

I will wear the stupid things INDOORS. I don’t live in an urban area and am at least 6 feet away from everyone while OUTDOORS.

I don’t wear my mask outside. But then again I don’t live in a major city and stay 6 feet away from everyone else.

Not to mention that two of the friends are siblings.

“Oh but like I only want to go to college for gameday and parties.”