
In my fantasy world he married Daisy Fuentes and these are their children.

I’m more impressed that Dan Cortese is somehow kicking corners for a high school soccer team. 

I mean, they agree definitely blind after viewing that recording. 

Talk about tossing the tainted fruit!

I think this is a red herring.

I support the Medicare for All version (I think most closely aligned with Warren) where it is just a guaranteed form of coverage, something like Medicare’s current rates (plus percentages) with the option for supplemental coverage. Finance the health care system publicly, but run it privately. (... with the exception

Well, fuh stahtiz, Pawtlind has Lillid, and da Kid from Lehigh. Denvuh has da European kid one a da Plumlees.

“Unfollowing the team on social media makes you a bad teammate," says man who broke his teammate's jaw in a fistfight at practice.

Even if Josh was being petty here, which he wasn’t, Steve Smith was literally the pettiest player ever so maybe stop throwing stones bro

What a mensch.”

Mitch Witchnowsky sounds like he would be the quarterback for a Chicago football team in a video game that couldn’t work out a licensing agreement with the NFLPA.

You mean that time they started a black QB on December 3, 2017 and then the coach and GM got fired on December 4, 2017? 

Long time Giants fan. Is it just me, or do Gettleman’s (and the Giants generally) justifications for doing things recently (like trading OBJ, picking Jones over Haskins) come off as racially coded? “Negative culture.” “Mature.” “Fiber.” Hmmmmmmmmmm. Like they get rid of Beckham for complaining that they lose too much

I have great difficulty understanding how pathetic one must be to go to a football stadium to watch the NFL Draft. This is the equivalent of people in the ‘90s camping out in front of their local Tower Records to be the first to buy the new album by, like, Everclear.

Goddamn dude, chill out. Stress’ll give you cancer too

Goddamn dude, chill out. Stress’ll give you cancer too

“And side-eyeing an offensive asset when he got 1 run and 3 hits in support.”


Short, sweet, and to the point. She tagged Williams in it too, making the trolling all the better. No word yet on what Williams thinks, but they like to rag on each other, so odds are she’s raising her own glass to the bit.