
My local WF in NJ was fully stocked yesterday (except for those 365 cheese crackers which are like crack). The one in Manhattan near my office was fully supplied as well today.

I’m not anti-Amazon at all, but their purchase of Whole Foods has been something of a disaster from a customer standpoint. I went from being a semi-regular shopper to three or four times per year. Even without “disappearing suppliers” the stocking of many shelves (particularly produce) has been terrible since Amazon.

Technically it’s a compound bow, not a crossbow. This is laziness incarnate: he probably had all that shit from “hunting”, which is something he likes to pretend to do. This is like a kid who dressed up as “boy scout” because he had the uniform already.

Not to be a pedant or anything, but why do you keep saying crossbow!? Its kind of a specific term to use wrongly...

Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.

I always thought that Jarvis Landry, Landry Jones, and Jarvis Jones should all study law and start a firm together.  

It would be difficult for the Jets to look worse here, but I've said that before and been wrong so many times, so let's see how this plays out...

The excitement of the NFL has been reduced to the decision of the arbiters on high after the actual sports play is over. This is what happens when you imbue sports rules with the deadly seriousness of criminal justice but then barely even follow them. Is this still fun?

Unfortunately we also need them at least 20-30 years younger. 

“We were doing, you know, in some cases five or six meetings a day, three or four rallies and town meetings and meeting with groups of people,” Sanders said. “I don’t think I’m going to do that. But I certainly intend to be actively campaigning.”

I’m a 51 year old man who owns a lightsaber, several droids, a robotic dinosaur, and at least 3 pairs of Star Wars boxers - one of which I am currently wearing.

The only thing in this article that I completely believe:

“Fail fast and fail often." - Adam Gase

Right, coaches in all sports do this. Having the better players in never good enough, they think it's really them against the other coach.

Could have been worse- usually when a Colombian ends up 80 kilos short, his whole family gets murdered.

How do they get these games with other schools anyway, are they all just exhibition games and they’re flying them in so they can show off?  They have their own internal sports TV network ffs.

I mean it worked for Baylor for a little bit and Falwell would love nothing more to get Liberty sports on a national stage. My university is in the same conference as Liberty and the students were always nice just a little bit off. Like they would go talk about our interactions in confession or something and then pray

Do people find this sort of thing inspiring? Just rest and recover you fucking lunatic, you are not that indispensable, nor is telling a bunch of guys chasing a ball around what to do worth it.

I hope that NFL players take note of the lack of empathy people have shown Andrew Luck during this entire process. Don’t feel guilty about hold-outs for more money. Get as much money as you can and get the hell out before it becomes a detriment to your health. 

Exhibit #7,432 for why I stopped going to NFL games