
Haha, yeah, they’ll work fewer hours, because the people this impacts get paid by the hour. Also, let’s say that we allow the combination you’ve made between individual tax rates and taxes in corporate income to stand, anyone who stops an expansion on a profitable business because of a slight increase in marginal

Norcross is a... fascinating(?)... public figure. He just gets his way with everything in NJ.

Right. “Oh my taxes are going up, I’m going to quit my job (which is high paying and took some effort/luck/positing to land) and move out of the country.”

As a person who can never remember the names of my friends’ kids (at least, the ones I only keep in contact with via christmas cards), I appreciate the named sign off.

He looks like the bad guy from Rocketeer, if he was forced to attend a 1920s fall garden party.

I’ve tried, and failed, to find a set of books that I liked as much as the GB series.

I was a pretty bratty, entitled shit up until I was about 24 years old. I grew up a lot when I moved to grad school, paid for nearly all of it on my own dime, and surrounded myself with people who were very different than my college friends. I grew up more as I began to actually build a life for myself... funny how

Another avenue to advance the union cause would be to position unions as the most reliable route for a good job in trades and manufacturing. They should build stronger apprentice programs (in more industries) that can produce the skilled labor that industries need. It’s not too hard to sell someone on a $45k a year

Have there been any credible threats towards him? Nope. He’s just an asshole with a huge ego that likes the idea of having men in suits around him to push people (otherwise known as the public that he works for) around.

I will always say that DC is beautiful, and possibly one of the more interesting places to live, but I’m never going to feel bad for a place that insulates itself from the pain felt by the rest of the nation due to its recession proof lobbying and politic-adjacent industries.

I get that you’re a midwest elitist, but having lived in Detroit, Buffalo, Rochester, Baltimore, DC and Philly, I can safely say it was the worst of that group... by far. I don’t think this is even a point for discussion. Detroit is a shit hole.

- raise taxes on incomes (regardless of the source) over $300,000

Throw in the fact that the pats were shoving the refs after and I think we now have updated video evidence that they’re held to a different standard than the rest of the NFL.

This would almost make it worth living in Syracuse.

Now playing

Re west wing, the ending credits are far worse. They are so stupidly bubbly and upbeat for a show that often ended on a somber, moralizing note.

“To copy, edit and paste, simply touch the screen with the your fingers on the corresponding icons.”

Five of those links are to industry facing media outlets, not exactly front page or major editorial items. My point about Silver isn’t his capacity to evaluate someone’s mental health but his commentary on the inappropriateness of the hesitancy of media outlets to do so.

I was listening to 538's podcast and was shocked/glad to hear Nate Silver talking about how the press should be spending more time discussing his mental capacity to hold office.

$10,000,000,000 says these guys would love to tell you how pathetic the “welfare state” is

If you haven’t listened to Radio Lab’s More Perfect, I’d highly recommend it. It provides an amazing backstory on nearly every important supreme court topic, and the background on the court’s involvement in the voting process (“The political thicket”), is fascinating.