
Free tip: make a fitted tech golf shirt with non-ridiculous branding and people will buy it. I feel like everything they make is either for teenagers or for 50 year old dads tying to be 30. The only polos that fit nicely are the Ralph Lauren sport ones, for like $95.

One thing about fried chicken that I can’t understand: why aren’t chicken finger subs populr everywhere? In Buffalo you can’t go two blocks without a decent option for one (which probably partially explains the size of Buffalonians).

So you essentially let two people walk because of this guy, only to toss him less than a week later? I don’t think spicer or preibus were long for this world, but this just shows a complete lack of any form of managerial control in the executive branch.

I assume these types of motors are outrageously expensive, but they’d be great for a city commuter bike.

But it’s only a few bad apples, guys

You know he has a bunch of white collared, off colored shirts he wants to wear.

True. I guess I’m saying that if we had a correct approach nationally there shouldn’t be this form of conflict.

May I just say that I, as a 35 year old male, had no idea who Chrissy Teigen was (outside of that weird smile incident). Then I started following her on twitter a few months ago, she is gold. She is bit coin. She wields her tweets with the delicacy and purpose of a samurai.

No the problem is that we can’t enact any form of sensible immigration reform that even most conservative republicans support, thanks to the far right. So we’re stuck in a no mans land of bad policies and no good way of managing them.

It’s much easier to be the party of nothing (no government, no policies or programs, no taxes) because it a lighter lift to destroy than it is to create. They know that Obamacare barely passed when it did, so destroying it (and Medicaid) now all but guarantees that any form of government provided health care for the

Philly is used universally.... Because it’s fun to say and not a stupid break up of an otherwise too long name.

If there is one thing that could cause Bannon to quit, it’d be the firing of jeff sessions. I mean, I don’t think he would ever quit, but this would certainly piss him off.

I’m a public heath nerd, so I’m usually all for stuff that moves people away from smoking, but infantilizing 18-21 year olds is not the answer. They are adults.

Sessions and Bannon go way back, there is no chance he wants to see an establishment republican (or a Kushner aligned guy) as AG.

Later dude, hope it* was worth it!

Ummmm isn’t his saying that he wanted an AG that wouldn’t recuse himself an admission that he wanted to interfere with any Russian investigation?

I actually got paid about $2,000 to help redesign a curriculum for a grad certificate. What seemed like an interesting project at first ended up paying me about $7 an hour.

Mario Tennis offers accessibility (you can pick it up pretty quick), development opportunities (you could definitely get better at it), and brevity (could could play with friends since the games could be so quick). That’s why it was always my favorite.

Good for them. My sister just got screwed by a school when they basically halved the amount they were willing to pay her to completely redesign a course (as an adjunct). After pointing out that it would take significantly more hours than they were willing to pay, she was told to take it or leave it.

Not a dumb movie! I watched that with a group of (guy) friends and our silence at the end was first broken by my sniffle. Then I looked around to see everyone was doing a terrible job of holding back tears.