
Ah yes, I forgot the part of the legal system that exonerates people for crimes they committed because someone, somewhere may have done it and gotten away with it.

This one?

I put three things on my list for prime day shopping... One outdoor security camera (they seem to only be selling deals with 3 or more), a new bike computer (I didn’t see anything interesting in my first pass), and an instant pot to replace my broken rice cooker (just bought one). I do not want to fall into the

Not sure why, but when the 6 quart instant pot got added to my cart it was knocked down to $44 from $119. Three separate $20+ discounts applied?

Not sure why, but when the 6 quart instant pot got added to my cart it was knocked down to $44 from $119. Three

G from the ground, c from the ceiling!

It doesn’t even seem that the wealthy necessarily want this, considering how poorly the previous republican proposal polled. This is the hard core republican ideologues pushing for their one chance to kill Medicaid.

The promo for TJ Millers stand up constantly plays prior to HBO on demand shows, if those are the funniest bits from his act he’s got some self awareness issues.

I’m assuming that if you are a Russian athlete on a team managed by the Russian government, you’re getting PEDs whether you want them or not.

  • There are all sorts of rain gear you can wear for rainy days, but you’d need to figure out if you can either change at work (with work clothes in a water tight bag) or wear the gear over work clothes. Or give yourself a break and drive on those days. If it is just a bit wet fenders can do a pretty good job of

There are a gazillion options for bike racks, I think amazon even has a guide now that shows if they work on your car. Trunk ones are cheapest, but don’t work on every car. Roof racks are fine (they have temp ones), but you have to check your clearance so you don’t clip them on garages. Trailer hitch racks are my

I’d also recommend finding a local bike group if you are thinking about riding for fitness. Here in Philly the Bike Club of Philadelphia has group rides nearly every day of the week for everyone from new riders to very experienced.

Do not wear headphone when riding a bike.

I thought we were all at the point where we overlooked run of the mill stuff like this for the bigger treason level stuff

So you refuse to understand that my comments are in response to a person who is trying to say it is incumbent on basketball players to show grace and humility to a person who has shown no respect to anyone? Okey dokey, I get that you’re an idiot who just wants to write “left-wing terrorist” over and over again.

Well, lets see, I was in no way supporting the actions of a lunatic, but merely responding to a pearl clutching asshole with a short memory who was attempting to twist a narrative out of her own shitty world view. But please, be offended.

I’m sure she was equally concerned about Eric Trump referring to Dems as sub human, Donald’s long running attempt to paint Obama as a non citizen/ playing footsie with white supremacists/ calls for violence against Hillary/ calls for violence against protesters, Mitt Romneys’s 47% comments, Joe Wilson’s “you lie”

I think it comes down to the fact that he has always surrounded himself with shady people who have very shady connections. They were all looking at the campaign as an opportunity to bilk some money from people, not thinking anything would be under review since they assumed they would lose.

Newt fucking Gingrich complaining about indirect consequences of a wide ranging investigation might be the richest thing I have ever seen.

You only wrote this to broadcast that you have a fwb situation, didn’t you?

My wife just got a new iPhone and I immediately told her to turn off read receipts. I don’t need to know that she’s ignoring me when I’m frustrated enough assuming that she is.