
Krasner got a lot of money from Soros, so billionaires play for both sides. Point taken, though.

But if you only watch RT, and have deluded yourself into considering even the NYTs as a corporate rag with no ‘real news’, you’d be living off of propaganda.

Also, I liked that she used the phrase “giving women drugs for sex” as though this was some form of consensual transaction that he is on trial for. It has nothing to do with his comedy, or his later condescending remarks to the black community, he raped a bunch of women. That is against the law.

I hate read Flowers all the time, his is horrible even for her low bar of insight and decency.

My inlaws are the same way. They are living breathing, RT watching, blame American first caricatures. They consider me (pretty far left person) to be a Republican... apparently because I believe their are limitations as to what the government can/should do.

We have a vizsla, and had to stop taking him running because he’d drag me the entire way (even with a running leash and harness). Now we just go to a huge open field and let him tire himself out (he doesn’t).

Only appropriate response:

I live on a small side street in Philly (Philly of all places!) and I’m happy that I know, talk with, and appreciate each of my neighbors. They’re good people (with a few odd ducks) who look out for each other. We pick up each other’s mail, watch each other’s kids ever now and then, and have street dinners other once

Or you know, you could tell them to take the dormant land and build a stadium with their own money. Then they can reap whatever rewards they want, the public can invest public funds in public programs, and everyone wins.

I rented a 70s era row home in Philly a few years ago. One day, we walked out our front door (which was right on a major street) to see sewer water coming up from our and our neighbors sidewalk vents. Turned out that the sewer lines had broken at some point over and had slowly been seeping sewage under the garage

I’m pretty sure he’d retweet drudge about it first.

Won’t someone think of how this story upsets the good UK fans?

Right? Thats some condescending ol’ timey racism.

Philly? I actually kinda like the redesign of those malls as a decent use of old space.

They have an Avett Brothers concert after Saturday’s game, free with your ticket. That is literally the only reason I’ve found to see a game this year.

Anyone who works the crowd into chanting their own name is a ok in my book.

Chances that they expensed this meal? 99.99%?

I was just in Cuba for a week with no cellphone, internet, or social media updates. I think the break from this shit calmed me more than the rum and cigars.

I literally have nothing to add.

I had a middle school science teacher who thought you only had a finite number of movements in your body. It was some convoluted idea that stemmed from the incorrect notion that the heart could only beat a certain number of times.