92?? i thought that had to be a typo, i was all about to respond with “stupid millennials” then did a google search, and omfg! she really is 92!
92?? i thought that had to be a typo, i was all about to respond with “stupid millennials” then did a google search, and omfg! she really is 92!
ok so the south is racist, new england is racist, the mid west is racist. can we just say the wh0le country is and always will be racist?
why has this been raised from the dead?
certain “reality” shows like this one, and the “real” housewives of whatever, i just cannot watch. they make me feel bad about being part of the human race.
right after they exit the womb.
they have no “consciousness”; they are merely re-animated by powerful magic.
not only are they real, it’s a billion dollar industry.
hadn’t heard, or didn’t care?
i keep forgetting she’s Asian. most biracial Asians i’ve seen still look overwhelmingly Asian; not that there’s anything wrong with that.
i never understood all the hype about Lorde. but then, i grew up in the 80s, so it’s hard to impress me.
my experience has been that tiny guys are usually big where it counts. and generally more so than average to tall guys.
white is always right.
my grandma still douches and she’s 93. i only know cuz she makes me run to the store to go pick up her feminine hygiene products, denture creams, leggs pantyhose, condoms, and analgesics.
and let’s not forget yummy chris evans.
didn’t you read the story? he’s old Whitey McWhite, and it’s always been his dream to be protected by the blackest black that ever blacked.
doesn’t feel good does it?
no, but he’s got Flair.
yup. and basically all i’m saying is maybe there’s some correlation between the surplus of Neanderthal genes in Caucasions, and their seemingly higher than average xenophobia compared to other groups.
i have a theory that it has to do with the surplus of Neanderthal genes. whites on average have more than most other races. it’s funny when you think that throughout history whites have considered non-whites to be subhuman, when in all actuality whites may have always been less human than everyone else.