Look, Wendy is a whip smart black woman who’s been on the radio for decades and clawed her way to television.
Look, Wendy is a whip smart black woman who’s been on the radio for decades and clawed her way to television.
when in doubt put a clock on it.
i think he’s a really good actor, though i’m not feeling the physical attraction towards him like everybody else is.
but, but, a woman was killed by a machete wielding refugee in Germany.
i still miss the Enterprise D. ‘twas a beautiful ship.
so happy that the theater i’ll be watching this in serves alcohol. :)
As a man without a functioning uterus
Watergate. didn’t know what it was about, just that a group of boring old men were on tv instead of the Flintstones.
i’m 48 as well and people literally freak out when i tell them because they think i’m in my late 20s. i even grew a beard to help me look older. i don’t know what women were taking/smoking/drinking in 1968 but it whatever it was had a magical effect on those of us born that year.
this is why i fuckin’ hate heights. whenever i go to Hawaii and my friends wanna go hike up a trail with narrow path i stop the moment i feel uncomfortable going up any higher and let them continue without me. don’t care if it makes me look like a wuss.
maybe it’s a golf course and he mistook the purpose of the holes.
Negga, please.
i like her too but i think it’s kinda hard for people here in the U.S. to get beyond her last name.
i usually say something like, “Gee, looks like somebody wasn’t loved enough.” i’m amazed at how many asshats i’ve silenced with that.
i played the harp.
even though Franco is 38 in real life that doesn’t mean his character is that age. for all we know his character may be in his late 20s to early 30s. Franco could easily pass for being 28.
at first i thought it was a stomach vagina.
Trulia sounds like it should be the name of an artificial sweetener.
she may not have looked the same, but she would at least have been recognizable.