General Disarray

how dare you portray wine as bad! i’ll have you know that all the resveritrol i’ve imbibed from my half a bottle a night wine habit have kept me preternaturally young looking. my God man, even millennials are starting to look older than me.

omg i’ve been sayin’ this for years! wondering why your boss is such a jerk? because being a jerk is what made him successful. as a society we enable and reward this type of behavior from people, and it’s amazing more people don’t realize this.

i guess i was just shocked cuz he’s only a few years older than me but looks as though he’s a decade older at least.

man he’s aged. granted last time i saw him was at the height of his sucess when he was 19 or 20. but wow. he looks like an old prime minister of whatever now.

what da living fuck? i’ve seen my share of drag queens in my day but that has got to be the scariest one yet. no. just no.

yeah Kate Bush does come to mind for me too. like if Kate was half black and 40 years younger, FKA Twigs is pretty much what she’d be.

behold, the most uninteresting man in the world. he doesn’t always drink beer, but when he does nobody cares.

all this time i thought Ms. was used only for divorced or unmarried women of a certain age.

awesome video. the only Spears song I ever bought.

well it used to be that you had to sleep with Max Read to get outta the greys. dunno who ya gotta sleep with now. maybe all of them.

which is especially scary if you’re a guy.

nothingness? yeah son, around these parts it’s called death. remember that time before you were born? that’s what you have to look forward too. oblivion.

damn. that’s quite a synopsis. i only knew of him because of Cyndi Lauper in the early MTV days when she was hugely popular.

daddy says my pee is the best of all.

i think it’s so he can better display his package of dadly goods.


dayum! that’s cold blooded.

I’ve always liked Christina though I can’t imagine anyone else but Reese in that part. She brought a likeable quirkiness to that role that few could. I think it might’ve been due to that southern accent.

leave it to gawker to dig up a name America had forgotten for over a decade.