General Disarray

Cowherd? people are taking the rantings of a man who’s family name means of herd of cows seriously?

yes. and i’m 82.

you’re kidding, right? last time i was at okc it was filled with twenty year olds. it’s not a dating site it’s a site for masochists who must love being trolled.

sigh. i’m really starting to hate white people. and i’m biracial, so it kinda sucks that i feel this way. but damn, i can’t even.

apparently they’re only taught to shoot to kill. everything else is improvisation.

it’s probably safe to say that at least 2/3 of the white population of the country was racist in the timeframe that TKaM takes place

personally i’m looking forward to “Reach Around” day.

could be a baby trying to claw it’s way out butt hitting dead ends.

even Dave Chappelle couldn’t make this craziness up .... oh wait, he did.

judging by the photo i’d say she was still recovering from all the plastic surgery she bought and was delirious from all the meds.

is that Whitney Houston staring at him?

i realize that Obama identifies as black but couldn’t they have found a biracial guy to play him? America seems still unwilling to acknowledge that we exist.

can’t anyone, besides Adele, sing without the help of Autotune these days? i’m so sick of that sound.

and in the third book Atticus Finch becomes a cop and kills an unarmed black man.

and cross-eyed to boot.

i think that’s true for a lot of people. we’re not so much afraid of death as we are the unknown nature of our death. as for me i’m not only not religious but don’t think our consciencesness goes on after our physical body dies. there was nothing before we were born, there’ll be nothing after our death. what’s waiting

two teen things needed to have their legs amputationed after Alton Towers go crack.

after I binge watched the fourth season i had to take a Forget Me Now.

i’m curious what white people are gonna do later in this century when they are the minority. will there be white flight from the US?