if that’s a young Joan Crawford then you’re in luck, she’s got mean to spare.
i’m really curious about what’s going to become of white privilege once whites are the minority in the country? which is supposed to happen by mid century.
although i don’t believe in hitting girls, if she did use a racial slur, and after hitting him twice, then she deserved to be cold clocked. i’m not a turn the other cheek kinda guy. there probably wouldn’t be so many assholes or bullies in the world if people would make them accountable for their behavior instead of…
wtf is a pewdiepie? nevermind, i lost interest.
i agree. looks like he’s transitioning to dad bod, which is kinda sexy.
i can’t believe two decades into the 21st century and black people are still treated like they just popped into existence out of nowhere.
she’s awfully musclebound. have they checked her for penis? i bet she got a big, long, dangly penises.
plus that anti-aging software they used back in X-Men 3 is probably much better now.
depends where on the spectrum they fall, the Jennifer Beals types shouldn’t get any money.
his looks don’t really do much for me, but his dopey personality kinda wins me over.
interesting that the three most popular shows of that time, Friends, Seinfeld, and Fraser, mainly had funny but abhor-able main characters which few people would be able to tolerate in real life.
interesting thing is her first album (which made me an immediate fan) reminded me of some of my favorite alternative female artists from the 80s, all of whom were white. i could definitely hear strong influences of Siouxsie Sioux, Missing Persons, and the Divinyls to name a few.
i just don’t see the appeal of guys like that. too pretty and manicured to the hilt. total boner killer for me.
as an old i feel obligated, nay compelled, to say that a-ha did it better.