man. they pretty much touched on everything it takes to just be a decent human being, and how to treat others. didn't take any preaching or ten commandments. just a little common sense and compassion.
man. they pretty much touched on everything it takes to just be a decent human being, and how to treat others. didn't take any preaching or ten commandments. just a little common sense and compassion.
i'm assuming they took him over to Our Lady of Lorena Bobbit Hospital.
bingo. i've been trying to name that creepy smile. you nailed it.
that photo, along with the article headline, brings to mind a doggy version of the ISIS beheadings.
It is. My pessimistic outlook is that we'll see increasingly appalling behavior as the fight to maintain dominance becomes more frantic.
here's a scenario. we all know that when more and more people of color move into a neighborhood whites start packing. so will this "white flight" take place on a country-wide scale? leaving those who stay in the country even more of a minority? europe should probably start preparing for an historic influx of American…
dude looks really pervy to me.
that. was. awesome!
i can't look at these photos without asking myself, "What would Joan say?"
beyonce should count herself lucky that she siphoned most of her genes from her mom and not her dad, who looks a lot like joseph jackson to me.
interesting. i wonder if it's circumsised?
the only thing her crazy rant is missing is, "White Power!" at the end.
if that's a relatively recent picture then she looks absolutely amazing considering i think she's in her 60s now.
respect. the first electronic song to become a hit. before this song disco was all strings and horns. not to mention it changed the trajectory of pop music forever.
that was an awesome cover indeed. i still have that album. begged my mom to buy it when i was 8, i think she was trying to decide between that and the Greese soundtrack; the cover was just so awesome to me that i told her she just had to get it.
trying way too hard for what? she's not being any different than she's always been. or are you trying to say that because she's now fifty-something she should just suddenly change her entire personality and act like someone she's not?
more like Assburgers.
it put's the lotion in the basket.
yeah, that was my first thought too; the awful way they're being treated by us humans. they deserve so much more respect. since the internet has been around (especially youtube) i've seen so much behavior in animals that we've always ascribed only to humans that it makes me sad to think about how we treat most all…