General Disarray

i find him much more attractive than his brother. Nick's just trying a little too hard for my liking.

as a biracial person i tend to agree with that. i've actually experienced more prejudice from black people than whites (at least directly). one of my earliest memories is of being chased home from school by a group of black kids yelling "white cracker" at me when i was in 1st grade. black kids just did not like me at

i dunno, she comes off as a bit of a pompous know-it-all to me. and did she just call Oprah Booboo?

whoa! Robert Wagner was quite a cutie. too bad it didn't stick as he got older.

after reading this i think the best thing for Payton would be if the mother gave her up for adoption, and preferably to a mixed race or even hispanic couple. i say that because i had a bi-racial friend in high school who was adopted by a black family and it didn't work out well for her. she looked much more european

James Franco says he is shy around women. This means you're going to have to make the first move, ladies (unless you are a teenager on Instagram).

while it's good that the police was there in that instance i'm glad the crazy man wasn't black, cuz the plane might've depressurized from all the gunfire...

she should totally hook up with hot mugshot guy.

i know, right? not bad for 70 something.

it's just so weird when someone born in the 80s looks more middle aged than me. wtf?

well, i'm certainly not surprised by the divorce. one day Kris woke up and realized she's in a lesbian relationship and she isn't even gay.

mario lopez has always seemed like a vacuous douche, so re-reading his own book makes complete sense. i'm sure he's his biggest fan.

only 10 days? that would be an improvement.

the original lady gaga.

does he shave his eyebrows or just not have any?

"...sometimes you do believe that no one else is gonna love you,..."

you coulda stopped at "suck" and called it a day.

i bet you're the best at putting the lotion in the basket.

i think it's worth it. i met my best friend on match 5 years ago. we dated for a little bit but ended up bosom buddies. not a bad trade off.

i wish those days were back when people used to dress up to fly. i think one of the reasons we're treated like cattle is because most people dress like animals these days.