that dude at the end is a total moron. as cute n cuddly as the little ones are you can bet the momma bear is nearby and won't hesitate to pounce on him and rip him to shreds.
well of course he's a pig, everyone on FOX is a pig. filthy rich pigs. because that's what we do, our society rewards piggish behavior. that's why thugs like Limbaugh, Hannity make more money a year than many of their followers will see in a lifetime. the worse you are as a human being the more you will be rewarded.
Angel Haze? is that a new drug all the kids are taking these days?
because, you know, Florida.
2 months? wow. i hope it put the lotion in the basket.
that's why i call her Princess Pigstain.
they might want to change their name unless they are only seeking an African/African American female market. there are quite a few other races with darker skin who would not identify themselves as Nubian.
when i was in school in the 80s knowing about the Cocteau Twins was seen as mark of coolness. I still remember the day I first heard them back in '85 at my best friend's house after school. We shared a joint (also my first) and then he began playing their album Treasure. i felt like i was being transported to another…
wow. that's just wrong on so many levels. i wonder how the minority teachers and students feel about that?
these were hilarious. i miss the love hate back and forth between those too since Rashida left the show.
after watching the trailer i really miss that southern accent. i understand she can't have a southern drawl as Maleficient, but a certain baddassness seems missing without it.
awesome! she totally rocked as Pam in True Blood. Glad to see she's taking her evil fabulousness to wreck some nerves over at OUaT.
the more you know.
well maybe she should put the lotion in the basket.
is that some brain meat hanging down from the upper left side of his temple?
yeah i don't get it. it's an American thing but only in the last 25 years or so. American men used to wear speedos at the beach then, i dunno, they got all modest about showing any hint of their peen.
maybe they should just change the name of the magazine to White People. there, problem solved.
hard to believe we're halfway through the second decade of the 21st century and yet it feels like we've been transported back to the 1960s.
i've never understood the need to belong to a fraternity or sorority. they all seem to attract the worst types of people.