you're assuming her pimp disclosed her real age in the ad. if he didn't then the john shouldn't be arrested for soliciting sex from a minor. though he might still be arrested for soliciting sex.
you're assuming her pimp disclosed her real age in the ad. if he didn't then the john shouldn't be arrested for soliciting sex from a minor. though he might still be arrested for soliciting sex.
wow. so now she's gonna have her lower lady parts removed?
i barely know who she is but she totally PWNED him!!
if you can't remember the 80's then you are a "millennial" ... or were too coked up to remember.
LOL. yeah i was puttin' one over on ya. though it woulda been a hoot if you actually marched up to the local courthouse demanding to see your file. :P
It's highly probable that the system has flagged you as "civis irritum", which loosely translated from latin means undesirable citizen. Most people never know they've been flagged by the system, and there are many reason one would be categorized as such, but none of them are good. Though, under the freedom of…
that's exactly how i read it as well. i was all wtf?
heh. that's what she said.
nice photo. i had no idea extensions could get wet.
Occam's Razor: If you have two equally likely solutions to a problem, choose the simplest.
"There's a pervasive idea that once a white woman has slept with a black man, she's ruined or tainted."
that's a lot of coitus.
thanks to e-cigs i haven't had a tobacco cigarette since last june. i had cut down from being a pack a day smoker to having four a day but i noticed i'd started to increase due to stress, and i did not want to go back to being a pack a day smoker but knew that neither the patch, gum, or zyban worked for me. and there…
psychopathy is more of a catch-all term; i think it might be better to try to eliminate schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. there are way too many crazy people running around loose in society. and yes, i know that "crazy" isn't politically correct term but to me if you're schizo or bipolar, and not taking meds, then…
she totally looks like Jasmine Guy in that photo.
reading the instructions for properly preparing Hakarl for consumption made me wonder "WHO THE HELL FIGURED OUT THAT WAS THE BEST WAY TO CONSUME POISONOUS ROTTEN SHARK MEAT WITHOUT DYING?!?!?" Huh? I mean how many unlucky bastards had to die before they finally got it right?
if anything (and i never dreamed i'd make this correlation) she's reminding me more and more of Madonna in her younger days.
meh, everything Beyonce has ever done pales in comparison to this:
in india pre-op transexuals confuse straight guys they go to bed with by saying they're just a woman with high T and that the dangly thing between their legs is just a big ol clit.
watching female figurskating was a nice change of pace from the disaster of men's figure skating. the men are so obsessed with landing quads that they're literally falling all over themselves to do it. it detracts from the enjoyment of the sport; i really think there should be a limit imposed on how many quads can be…