When Luke turns to the dark side, he puts on lots of clown makeup and terrorizes Gotham City.
When Luke turns to the dark side, he puts on lots of clown makeup and terrorizes Gotham City.
If it was KAOS they would have "missed it by that much."
I was reading the comments on The Verge and they are mindblowingly stupid. People are calling this a money grab and are really upset about Thor being a women. I don't get it. It is nothing strange about Thor being a women. Thor can be a frog. So why not a women?
Have I mentioned that I may or may not be a science consultant for Sharknado, and I legitimately don't know which?
This is especially cute because the place where troll posts went to die on Kotaku used to be called #TheCornfield.
The characters in GTA she refers to were supposed to be stereotypical, drug abusing, fame hungry child stars who think the Sun shine out of their own arse. There are no redeeming features in any of them whatsoever and were only designed to be an archtype.
OH GODS NO. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN. The time where CJA makes me want to buy ALL THE THINGS. Charlie, you are a menace to my Kindle and bookshelf. I haven't even read this yet but I see a volume with some amazing authors at the bottom and I know you are about to make my book budget weep.
Were Neanderthals afraid of eating the offspring of crossbred plants because they weren't natural?
Big deal. Go to Jones Beach any weekend in the summer and there are plenty of white whales in the water.
One down.
No problem. It was, um, my suuuuper-nerdy brother who told me and, um, I just relayed the info. Actually, he typed it under my account. Um, yeah, I didn't play D&D ever because, pffft! That's for nerds.
We had the opportunity to visit the Tule Lake camp a year ago. Pretty surreal, and I'm incredibly disappointed this fact isn't taught in schools. It's one of those facts that gets glossed over, because we didn't put anyone in ovens. But the fact remains, it's very easy for a nation, or a majority to decide to round up…
You don't know her, though — she goes to school in a different state.
Saga, you say? This one has spaceships and magic too.
Hard to tell which of these two it is, but it's definitely one of them.
Even if it's bad, I mean come on, Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse on TV? It will at least be weird as hell, which means I'm already a huge fan.
Well, that's not exactly right. She pleaded that her company was so compartmentalized, so opaque, so bureaucratic, so institutionally confused that important information about an engineered part that was turning cars and airbags off before crashes did not make it to the engineering boss.
You know, I have to say, a lot of times people talk about the dumbest/most pointless sequels/movies whatever, and they just talk about movies that they understandably didn't like Phantom Menace. Hobbit. Star Trek Into Darkness. And it's like, Really? Maybe you didn't like those, but there are movies…