
If he’s 29 now how the hell was he studying in his elementary school on 9/11? Wouldn’t he had to have been like 13 at that point? This doesn’t add up.

I think I’ll stick with JetBlue since thy don’t overbook flights to begin with.

Well hell you must not be from Arkansas. It’s my God given right as a man to drive as big a truck as I want to, get piss drunk as I want to, and shoot whoever I want to, whenever I want to. Cause this is Murica goddamnit, and its like my grandaddy always said: the tree of liberty must be constantly watered by the

Well what about the BIG things? Like how this game blatantly MISAPPROPRIATES Native American culture? Are you even going to address that at all? Huh Kirk...ARE YOU???

“Let’s also not forget that Aaron Rodgers likely is descended from humans who ritually sacrificed virgins generation after generation after generation. It excuse s nothing but also can’t be ignored. This is learned behavior.”

Much overlooked in the fray was how earlier in the show Matt Damon was bludgeoned to death with an Oscar statue for having represented the patriarchy and getting one dollar for every 77 cents earned by Emma Stone. Thankfully the rest of the show proceeded as normal, the other guests scarcely noticing the lingering

The difference is that Tom Brady would still find a way to land the ship in that situation anyway. He is the Neil Armstrong of football.

Fuck you. I love Tom Brady. Tonight more than ever.

Fuck you. I love Tom Brady. Tonight more than ever.

I thought so. Similar frenetic pace and brutal action. I loved all three of them (both Wolfensteins and Doom). Probably my favorite shooters since the original CoD Black Ops.

I changed mine to 2TB a while back and now I still have to delete shit all the time. The games are just too fucking big.

I first read this headline as if it were referring to an actual plant of the photosynthetic variety that was somehow also related to Abraham Lincoln and also in danger of leaving America. And then I thought of Idiocracy memes and Brawndo. That is how Trump will keep these plants in America, by feeding them ‘Trumpdo’.

He probably ate too much gluten and his dick flew off.

Every time someone plays GTAV somewhere in the multiverse a tiny Obama clone’s heart becomes filled with anguish.

Got the whole week job has me in the mood for some mindless guts and mayhem so I just bought me some Doom. Also want to continue with Alien Isolation and if I have time get started with Far Cry Primal and Elite Sniper 3...and I’ve been chipping away at Rocketbirds and Lara Croft Go.

I hope Nintendo’s next mobile game is called Gendermon Go and requires you to go around to different areas and look for people of all different genders and you can try to collect all sixty of them, including pangender, trans-asterisk and even the super rare ‘other’.

But what did your teen cleave though? And what were they doing with the golf club? And what the heck kind of name is Kym anyway?

“And with the 2nd overall pick, the Cleveland Browns select Edward Penis Hands. He had issues fumbling the snap when he played under center in college, but he’ll have to get that under control if he wants to be successful in the NFL.”

Shitty mouthwash, Spice, a loaded handgun and slippers...this sounds like the Dune/Wizard of Oz crossover I’ve been waiting for.

I believe there is a Ted Cruz sex tape out there somewhere, we just have to find it. It’s probably on VHS though.