
Thank goodness there are still men like you willing to lecture professional athletes about the right way to be professional athletes. Being the assistant to the regional manager isn’t the same as working with psychotically competitive football players.

What parts do you think were tone deaf/offensive?

I thought they handled fgm and cultural/moral relativity in a pretty deft (and funny) way. And I’m a cultural anthropologist who has to teach these topics to university kids all the time.

No they’re so great. I love how it counts downs from 5, but doesn’t actually know how long 5 seconds actually is and fuck it, I’m staring at this Miller ad for 9 seconds. It’s GREAT.

Check the teams depth chart. He is listed as “other” behind the 3rd string QB. But you keep saying whatever you need to in order to get your “clicks”.

This guy was signed as a special teams guy, and a wide receiver depth guy. I would say they will list him as an emergency QB more than likely. Peterman is the clear 2nd string QB. But you gotta sell those clicks. Am I right?

Um, yeah, I’m going to tell you exactly that.

Hi, I read a lot of Deadspin stuff. I’ve had to endure a lot of sour puss New York trash people complain about Boston, the Patriots (and plenty of other people and things). I don’t really care, because most of it is funny and in good jest. But god damn I love the hate seething from your trash pile of a city and

Do you know why I remain a Patriots fan Drew? Because of my father. I lived in Maine my entire childhood and teenage years. I remember the shit years, the years where Velcro on the gloves wouldn’t have helped the receivers make catches. For years we were the butts of the NFL. Then suddenly Mo Lewis knocks out Bledsoe

you don’t like Tom Brady

The tears on this website might be a close second. It’s a fucking football game, not a metaphor for the country.

This notion that a place like Oregon (4 out of 10 voters went Trump) is so much more enlightened than some “backwater” place like Ohio (5 of 10 for Trump) is silly and not to be taken seriously.

As a former Bostonian, I appreciate that they softened the character’s edges and made him more likable than most Massholes.

With respect, it’s telling people to go fuck themselves and they are clueless is partly want got us here.

The blur looks like a dong.

You know, I went and looked it up!

This is the correct comment. It’s like HamNo either a) chose not to think critically or b) remember 6th grade civics that discussed why the government was set up as it is.

“we base those electoral college votes on states, rather than on population”

What happens if two aggrieved parties get stuck in a never-ending loop of being continuously triggered? Do they just keep one-upping each other until someone gives or is it more like when Elk fight and get their antlers locked together and they both just die?