
I had a big ol’ internet-angry diatribe half-written about how fundamentally flawed, nonsensical, or just flat-out incorrect all the barely-formed thoughts in this article are, but it’s 4:38am and I’m too tired to finish it so, instead, I’ll just say...what the actual fuck?

Next time, wait for the edible to wear off, ha

Is it though? A mess I mean?

Their “pornography” was raping the slaves if they got tired of the missus for a night or two

I can excuse the dismantling of democracy, but I draw the line at limiting my access to porno

Annnd the monumental damage DT has done to the country continues. This Christian Taliban and DT dictator cozy SC needs to go.

“State’s rights” except when your state allows something my state doesn’t like

Sony 2002: “Hey Sam Raimi. We’ve never made a superhero movie before, so you just do your thing.”

Oh what a tangled web we weave/When studios fight over how much profit to receive

They haven’t dropped this movie for the tax write off yet?

Sony is why

But there’s evidence that turbulence is getting more severe

That’s it, double down on your stupidity.

Here’s How the Plastic Industry Thinks We Can Solve ITS Waste Crisis

“Here’s how the fox thinks we should guard the henhouse”

If you don’t know the simple task of finding this information then don’t comment. 

Then why aren’t they putting those signs up in Texas, where the limit is more than twice as high?

I’m not a church going person, but every night I prey for a cardiac event.

“Completely invasive!” I cry as I voluntarily carry around a device that tracks my every move and communication 24/7. 

You’re an idiot. The second you tried to blame Democrats for the repeal of Roe, you proved it.

I’ll say what I’ve been saying: even the people who think they want a Christian nationalist takeover of the country really, REALLY are not going to want it within six months of it happening, and they’ll be among the loudest whiners about it.