
“George Washington didn’t have access to pornography, therefore there is no historical right for porn to exist.” -Clarence Thomas, probably

I wish Sony could just make standalone films for each Spiderman associated character. Marvel did the whole interconnected storyline and once it had ran its course people were burned out. Just make a good movie about Venom or Miles or Gwen or any other character and don’t worry about how it’s going to help advertise

On the list of things at Cedar Point that need to be changed, “not enough IP” ranks toward the bottom of the list.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, sunyjo.

You can’t even take a shit on Disney property without two dozen people knowing the volume, consistency, and exact location in the bowl that your bowel movement landed. You’d think with the number of Karens that drag their bratty children all the way to Florida there’d be an uproar over the amount of data the company

Hey dturkin, same goes for you. Take your cuntery elsewhere.

“Big cities have more people. More people mean more crime. Bigger number bad! Per capita is liberal nonsense like genders! Math is gay!!!11!!1!!” -Republicans who never passed Algebra I

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

“rOe V. wAdE iS sEtTlEd LaW”

As long as he appoints an heir to his kingdom then it doesn’t matter. So I guess silver lining is that the man is too conceited to ever think about dying let alone selecting his successor, so the country will just devolve into fiefdoms vying for control in bloody conflict just like medieval Europe.

“Immunity” and “legality” are two separate concepts. In essence the SC has said that the President can commit illegal acts with impunity as long as those acts fall tenuously under the powers of the President as defined in the Constitution. So ordering the military to kill your political adversaries is illegal, but

- Transfer as much power back to the States as possible, because after Project Redmap in 2010 they’re gerrymandered to favor Republicans.

Not just that, but the courts can’t take intent into account when determining immunity. So Trump could go on national TV, gloat about how he’d ordered the military to kill every Democrat in DC because they hurt his feelings, and as long as the kill order went through official channels it’s totally fine. It’s just an

Our library is pretty on-point with new DVD releases, so losing access to that via physical media is going to be a huge blow. There’s something to be said about walking in and grabbing a couple new-ish films for free*. Hell, even if you forget to return them in time paying a $0.75 penalty is still cheaper than renting

It looks like a Blumhouse film that they licensed at the last minute and tacked on a couple scenes with Hellboy during reshoots.

The writing was on the wall when every drug store and supermarket in the area suddenly removed the kiosks last year without warning.

The bots are pre-built scripts that can be found via a simple Google search. Just plug in some URLs and away they go.

Not a single Fortune 100 CEO has supported Trump monetarily. Line can only go up if people can afford to live. Hell, even Conservative think tanks have said that Trump’s proposed tax plan would be a disaster. Major corporations rather have the status quo of Biden’s economy (preferably with lower interest rates) than