
Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Dwayne Johnson is the new Vin Diesel for “we can make an extra million off this dogshit action movie if we cast this actor.”

I was going to go with John Wilkes Booth, but Nancy Reagan is more tasteful.

We use it for the entire Nickelodeon and Comedy Central back catalog and a movie every month or so. It’s about the only studio-owned streaming service that has anything pre-2000 readily available. Not saying that’s a good selling point, but even Disney is lagging in that regard and their entire business model is built

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

That’s better than what I can manage. A birthday overshadowed by not one but two holidays will make anyone a cynic during the “happiest time of the year.”

Twitch be like:

DOJ: “Okay, so you’re certain that the software due to terrible engine position that you failed to tell anybody about is the only thing mechanically wrong with your planes?”

Releasing a big-budget horror film on Christmas day is... a choice.

Unfortunately the format for the first debate lends itself to quippy sound bites and not much else, so regardless of which side does well (we all know it’ll be Biden), both sides will say they won based on a couple curated clips. Don’t know why they’re bothering with the debates at all, since as you said we know where

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Between this and “My Deer Friend Nokotan," Wit Studio is looking to have a strong summer season.

I swear, if young voters decide to burn the world down because they're no longer able to post 20 second videos making asses of themselves I'm going to start cutting noses off to spite their faces.

Same issue as Instagram; have to deal with Facebook.

If they're ut of the greys I’m gonna take the opportunity to insult them.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

I think the only things close to what Twitter provided are TikTok and Instagram, one of which is probably going to be dead by this time next year and the other requires a Facebook account.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, royalbigness.

Is it just me or does every Millenial and Gen X’er have an irrational fear of quick sand, even though it’s incredibly rare? I feel like that was beaten into us by television and movies during the 90s.