
Don’t worry, in Elon’s DisUtopia your wage won’t matter! You’ll live in company-owned dorms, eat in company-owned cafeterias, and go to company-owned movie theatres for entertainment. So what if they’re paying you peanuts, all of your living expenses are subsidized by the company! Just don’t think too hard about what

On the one hand, I don’t have to worry about drinking water being located next to a Great Lake. On the other hand, it means I’m stuck in the rust belt and have to deal with MAGA dipshits on a regular basis. On the other-other hand, it probably means I’ll be one of the first to die when the Water Wars finally break out.

Conservatives already shit bricks and locked themselves in a park ranger station when they were told they weren’t allowed to let their cattle graze on protected federal lands. It’s only a matter of time before they start flooding their basements with non-potable water as a make-shift reservoirs so that they don’t have

I kinda liked the Rob Zombie adaptation. It was pure 60s nostalgia, bad writing and all.

As long as the AI version is opt-in, I don’t care. I only use the stupid thing for timers and grocery lists. The second Bezos thinks he can upcharge me for those features is the second I finally take a hammer to the device.

Sadly that barely narrows it down.

Hell yeah, about time the Furs and Faces unionized.

I’m convinced the guy thinks everything will just work its way out. “Most people aren’t sociopathic serial killers, so AI should just end up down the same path as most people, right?”

Don’t be a cunt, William.

Guy’s 250+ years old. In that time he’s probably done every thrilling escapade imaginable, injected every drug ever created, and fucked anything that can give consent. At this point life itself is probably boring af for him. If sitting around waiting for Jean gives him some purpose in life, I can’t really judge him.

I dunno, Miller seems to do his best work when he’s allowed complete freedom. I don’t know if he’d want to play inside Marvel’s sandbox, let alone Disney being comfortable with the amount of leash he would need to make a fantastic film (especially after all the drama with Taika Watiti on Love & Thunder).

I felt the finale largely fell flat, mostly because they raised the stakes well past the point of reason. The show has always been at its best when it’s exploring the personal sacrifices and tragedies of the cast in a fairly believable fashion (at least a realistic as you can get in a world with superpowers), and this

“Literally unwatchable, 7/10" -Kotaku

Another reason I’m thankful I switched to almond milk earlier in the year. Yeah it’s a little more pricey, but it’s shelf stable so we can stock up when we have some extra money in the food budget. Not to mention milk from the supermarket has been tasting more and more watered down, and while almond milk doesn’t taste

Sadly the ones who won't have enough guns to take the rest of us with them.

It takes a lot to fuck up a government contract, and yet Boeing is trying their absolute best.

Honestly if it hadn't all been released at once so I could binge I probably wouldn't have finished it.

I’ve had to rent a vehicle from a couple local places for various reasons and it’s always been a breeze and zero hassle. “It’s this much for the weekend, top it off before you drop it off. Hell, take it to the carwash on us if you want. We’ll give you a lift home afterwards.” Probably the whole “don’t shit where you

“Our matchmaking algorithm is shit so we’re going to come up with an even worse matchmaking algorithm. Please keep paying for our service!”

I was about to say, I’ve done the Atomic Hot Wing challenge a couple times and it only makes things worse.