
I had an ad with a coupon for Pop Tarts show up on the home screen of my Roku. Like, why, and how the fuck am I supposed to get coupon from my streaming box? There wasn’t even a QR code to scan. It just said, “Want a B2G1 deal on toaster pastries? Then type this URL into a browser.

Yeah, I’ve been rewatching Clarkson’s Farm and it’s only two minutes of ads at the start of a 45 minute episode. They even skip the ads if you come back mid-episode. Not to say that it isn’t bullshit, but it’s relatively tame compared to every other streaming service *cough*Peacock*cough*.

Doesn’t every AI model have a blind spot when it comes to minorities and eventually end up denying the Holocaust? Makes sense that the GOP would be on board.

I’m honestly okay with it looking a little bulky. The whole “super advanced nano-tech space material” never looks good on screen or really make sense. The costume is supposed to be damn near indestructible, so if it needed a few extra layers of fabric ala kevlar to achieve that then it fits into our existing frame of

Considering he has the feds up his ass, I’m going to assume that he’s going to go full alt-right in the hopes that Trump wins the election and grants him a pardon.

Yeah, I’m in a local toy trading group, and the Star Wars fans are the most vitriolic pieces of shit I’ve ever met (and coming from me that’s a lot). They don’t even get excited about anything new from Disney anymore, just immediately start complaining about how it’s ruining their childhoods or Disney is too “woke.”

That’s why I mostly play indie games on my Switch. For the price of a first-party Nintendo game (because they never go on sale), I can get two to three solid indies on physical.

If the WWE has taught me anything you just need to give them a Z-pack and they’ll be fine.

This, and a high COL area. I didn’t make anywhere near that much as an intern but the job was also in an area that was dirt cheap so I still came out ahead.

They both quit the team prior to the original series, although they make cameos. Bobby was tired of everyone calling him a brat and is trying to live a normal life. Warren left to find a cure for his wings, got turned into Archangel instead, and is trying to hunt down the people responsible for his transformation.

Kid Omega called it years ago.

Looks like they’re all real, sans maybe the Cerebro room. I laughed when I saw the faux-wood alarm clock with clawmarks.

I’m laughing because these idiots want to build a private city in the middle of a desert. Guaranteed none of the pretty blueprints and 3D mockups have considered basic infrastructure. And it’s not like California is known for long draughts that are only getting worse thanks to global warming. I give it three years

Everything from the form factor to the color to the flywheel to the price makes me think this was a cynical attempt to recreate the Playdate without understanding why the Playdate was successful. They overpromised, underdelivered, and it was still too expensive to find a market niche. That’s a death blow in the

Nah, a regular casino has better food.

No, that’s still very much the case. Our kid even says that McDonalds tastes awful these days, but on the off-chance decide to get takeout care to guess the first restaurant they request? Well, that and Sheetz.

I bought a year of Peacock for $20 on Black Friday. And they wonder why they’re losing money.

The movie experience really has gotten worse since COVID. Absolutely zero social etiquette anymore. Now that the weather is nicer I might try the drive-in. Those are generally fun, although it’s hard to keep the kid out that late.

read: “We need a boogeyman to blame for our movies underperforming besides the fact we made too many of the damn things.”

I know Mighty Morphin sells well because nostalgia, but we’ve been drowning in MMPR merch for the last couple years. I don’t need another version of the Green Ranger after Figuarts, Legacy, Lightning Collection, Ultimates, and that budget boxed line, all of which have been released since 2016. And that’s just the