
Cue the malicious compliance when they unload dump trucks full of lube-covered spare change on the front lawn of Abbot’s mans.

If Marc Randazza says it’s bullshit then I’m inclined to believe otherwise. Guy’s an absolute tool.

You must be fun at parties.

Whatever happened to that “free market capitalism” that the GOP has been screeching about for decades? /s

They literally made a program that does the Family Guy joke.

Playmates released both a Netflix version and a Classic version of Voltron in 2017/18 when they got the license as part of the Netflix series. They’re just re-using the molds for the latter today because anniversary.

These look like the exact same toys that Playmates released in 2018 alongside the Netflix Voltron.

Nah, Total Recall would require him to be a man of good taste.

Cope and seethe shitstain. Cope. And seethe.

Hey visandusvandalarius, I don’t care if you die angry, just so long as you die.

I'm going to pull you out of the greys just to point out that you're the third or fourth person to have said this because you dipshits can't read past the original post.

Yeah, I’m not holding my breath that this survives the current Supreme Court. Shit, they’re probably dropping duffle bags of unmarked bills in front of Thomas’ house as we speak.

Alright, all you assholes can stop telling me I’m wrong about the lore.

Drugs, and trying to cover up a series of mistakes and bad decisions with worse decisions. Because drugs.

It was always my understanding that the vaults were all for show and never really intended to be used, some scientists came along and said “hey, we’ll pay you a bunch of money if we can use the Vault for a social experiment,” and Vault-Tec signed off because free money and they never expected the catastrophe to be at

Remember when everybody thought that Jennifer Lopez was going to be the next big thing in Hollywood, and then Gigli came out? Good times.

I haven’t played much of the games myself (just not my style of RPG), but I *hated* all of the flashbacks with Cooper to before the nukes to the point that by the end I was fast-forwarding through those scenes. Part of the appeal of the setting is that everything prior to the nukes is basically mythology. By the time

IKR? Glad they’re porting stuff over here to bypass the herb-iness.

I could list any one of the Chinese EVs, but I’ll go with the AITO M5 as the poster child of everything wrong with that market simply because it had a short-lived crossover with Huawei. Yeah, the cell phone company. Because China wanted a rival the never-released Apple car, so they slapped the branding onto an already