
They can do the same thing they did at Twitter and have the PR email auto-reply to everything with a poop emoji.

So the because the GOP suddenly seem laser-focused on foreign conflicts they’re going to also push through those aid bills for Ukraine, right? /s

You mean the company that was shipping cars literally held together with 2x4s and compression straps might not have the best engineering? I’m absolutely shocked.... that this is the first major issue with the Cybertruck.

Man, the bookkeeping at this place must be wild. How much money do you think they’re trying to quietly funnel out before it inevitably crashes? You don’t issue more public stock for a company in free-fall unless you have a yacht payment coming up.

Does Twitter’s Marketing department still auto-reply to any email with a poop emoji?

I think you forgot to credit Zagal as the first response to the “hope readers most take away from” question.

Yeah, based on the description above it sounds like Reynolds really ramped his schtick up to 11 in the worst possible way because “lol Disney.”

read: The last quarter’s numbers were abyssmal and Musk is trying to make the site look more successful in hopes of offloading the albatross.

*cough*Star Wars*cough*

Considering how flippant they were in that sorta-apology tweet and the original poster telling them to fuck off, I’m going to go with “no lessons learned.”

301 would be a permanent redirect, but that’d require him to still have any engineers on staff.

I noticed that too and had to rewind to confirm. Although Deadpool 3 has already established that the X-Men films are part of the MCU multiverse, so it’s not that big of a stretch to say that X-Men TAS is also part of that cluster. Although that opens a whole can of worms about whether the 90s animated adaptations like

Mine is still around, but I stopped using it when they gave stopped banning anyone ever. You can only post so much vile shit before it gets boring.

“If your only solution to a problem is regex, you now have two problems.” -ancient Developer wisdom

Over/under on how long before Cambium and Pearson sell the data and resulting model they harvest from the essays that pass through this system?

“Do you solemnly swear you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?”

Mark Bankston might as well have written, “Not saying Alex Spiro should be disbarred, but....”

I’m sure that Musk is such a believer in free speech that he’s fighting *real* hard to keep ISIS on the platform, right?

You know there’s some gun-nut in the US salivating at the chance to shoot the poor thing for street cred.