
I thought the entire thing was going to be a massive slapstick comedy up until Jim Rash popped up.

Knowing Universal they probably now have seven sequels in the works, an entire cinematic universe based around the killer ballerina girl, and 3/4 of the company invested in the franchise. All because it got above average early reactions.

I’m sure there’s a token minority and/or woman at Tesla that’s being read the riot act right now for reasons...

That’s increasingly becoming a non-option though. I’d love to watch Close Enough but HBO never released it on physical and erased the digital version from streaming. It’s just gone.

(a) It’s engagement bait.

I’m just glad Imagineering finally abandoned those terrible projected faces. Really breaks the immersion when every animatronic has a spotlight centered right on their mug because it’s cheaper than moving eyes and lips.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, bubbrubb66.

It was already bad enough twenty-odd years ago when I was working delivery, so I can only imagine what it’s like now. I’d do the bare minimum full shifts the job required (because I’d end up losing money on gas from a full shift), then do the “pharma girl” rush five times a week. Clock in, drop off a $500 bribe order t

“Everything’s going to shit! I was on hour five of abusing the free refills on coffee down at the diner and I saw someone I don’t know pull up at the intersection. And they were black! They’re gonna be overrunning the place in no time! I’m gonna call Sheriff Lynch and tell him to start patrolling better or else he’s

Don’t be a cunt, cfranky742.

I’d add One Piece to the list of “nail the characters and the environment isn’t important.”

For the intelligent folks in the GOP like Johnson they see him as a useful idiot to push their agenda. For everyone else it’s like the perfect storm of cult and gambling. There’s something compelling to people with nothing to lose that if they can stay in Trump’s good graces for long enough they’ll be set for life once

Is anybody clamoring for audiobooks these days? It seemed like that market peaked during the pandemic, so launching a service two years later is chasing a trend that’s long dead. I’m assuming they probably started investing during that peak and couldn’t give up on the sunk-cost fallacy.

Disney won’t get rid of it because it’s a “people-eater”. 124 cars, 1-3 people per car, and a 5 minute ridetime? That’s the 4th highest hourly capacity in the park. Pirates barely beats it in terms of riders. Baring a natural disaster that renders the area unusable Disney isn’t getting rid of Autopia anytime soon.

Cops out here salivating at the chance to use AI on sketches like this:

I mean, we can do some napkin math based on voting trends. Based on the recent primaries I’d say the “never-Trumpers” are 20-30% of GOP voters. We can probably extrapolate the never-Trump crowd are traditional “fiscal Conservatives,” so you’re looking at ~75% of the GOP that’s driven primarily by grievance politics.

I have teams and email on my phone, but because my company has a 24-hour MFA requirement they don’t work unless I explicitly open and authenticate. If it’s an absolute emergency then they can shoot me a text.

At this point it’s 50/50. The GOP spent the last 30 years pivoting their platform to appeal to white trash, and now we’re starting to see the loudest, dumbest people starting to helm the party as a result.

Having cruised a couple times, you don’t have to depart the ship when it docks at a port. In fact if you don’t depart you basically have the entire ship to yourself for the better part of the morning and afternoon (they do close some amenities like bars due to low attendance). If all you want to do is lounge by the

AV Club and The Takeout were sold off last week. At this rate G/O Media probably won’t be a thing anymore by June.