
We’re in the 99.8% band and the entire city is acting like they’re prepping for the apocalypse. If I can even be bothered to remember when the eclipse starts I’m just going to walk out in the front yard and watch for a bit (I bought glasses months ago because I remember how expensive they got in the weeks leading up).

If the contest had been pitched as “most innovative app of all time” then Vine might have stood a chance, but I (and presumably most other people who voted) equated “best” with “most useful,” hence why 3/4 of the of the final four are things that everyone needed on a daily basis prior to walking around with a tiny

So it sounds like Elide made their product specifically to bypass current regulations around fire extinguishers and are now upset that their product is being regulated anyways? Because who would want regulation around FIRE SAFETY equipment in the first place, right?

So the EU just gave MS a reason to charge more money for Office products by splitting them up? Cooooooool.....

If we’re going for authenticity in that Thundercats film, then I can’t wait to see speedos, bondage straps and massive hair, assuming it ever gets made.

We still have people who believe in a flat earth or that Trump won the election despite all evidence to the contrary. You and I both know someone is going to call their dentist a “woke commie liberal” when they recommend braces because they “did their own research” about mewing.

It’s even funnier because T-Mobile bought Mint outright a year ago, so they’re technically second-class T-Mobile customers. They just keep Reynolds around as a spokesman even though he has no hand in the business anymore. The second T-Mobile needa a bump in profits they’ll just move everyone on Mint to full T-Mobile

I remember printing off pages upon pages of turn-by-turn directions just to get to a new part of the city. I remember having a massive folio of state and country maps tucked in the back seat of my car. I remember having to buy a detailed city map for my food delivery job and sharing notes with other drivers to keep it

Depends on the material used, but for the most part the explosive properties either remain constant if the payload is chemically stable, or decreases as the chemicals naturally break down into nonvolatile compounds. That said, it probably won’t ever reach a point where it won’t be lethal so saying it “decreases” is

“Rich people never go to prison, so I’ll be fine!” -Sam Bankman-Fried, probably

Disney also hasn’t announced if they’re going back to making political donations again. That was the part that pushed DeSantis over the edge. If they keep their purse-strings pulled tight then I’d say it’s a DeSantis loss, even though it only fucks over other politicians since he's term-limited.

Please put your mouth around the barrel of a loaded gun and pull the trigger, cunt.

This fucking guy. Every time he buys a minority stake in a publicly traded company, threatens to sell if he doesn’t get his sycophants on the board, then fucks off. I hope Iger just laughs in his face.

I’d argue that the egg and football are perfect, the pumpkin and heart are close seconds, and all other Reese’s shapes and sizes are leagues inferior. The egg is the perfect ratio of peanut butter to chocolate without the pesky hard chocolate edges of the cup or other designs. The tree can be hit or miss on how

Yep. The two storylines that I’d love to see explored outside of comics are AvX and the Time-Displaced X-Men, the former because it demonstrates what happens when Scott’s worst impulses have real power behind them and the latter because it demonstrates that his leadership abilities were learned off the back of

My main issue with everything Monsterverse is that there’s still too much mediocre plot. Yes, I know as well as the next guy that convoluted human storylines help pad out the film between expensive CGI battles. But those segments either need to be exceptionally well written/acted (A Quiet Place) or in on the joke

Now playing

You shut your whore mouth. Final Wars is a masterpiece.

Yep. This is the most blatant pump-and-dump IPO I’ve ever seen, and I have no idea why anybody is buying in.

If Trump loses in November I’m like 70% sure his scheme will end with a missile fired from a F-22 somewhere over the Atlantic while he was fleeing to Russia, because there’s no way every three-letter government agency is going to let him escape with a brain full of state secrets.

When I said that the GOP was an ouroboros eating itself alive, I didn’t think we’d circle back to the stupid shit from the early 00s.