
“Look, our entire voting base is nothing but snowbirds who aren’t going to last until the end of the decade. Might as well let them creep up the skirts of 16 year olds while they’re still above ground.” -Florida GOP

Making James Stephanie Sterling’s job easier when it comes time for the Shittiest Games of the Year awards, lol.

Back in college I’d go to GenCon and Origins every year to get my annual fix of board games. Then GenCon got so prohibitively expensive that I couldn’t justify the price anymore, so I’d do Origins only as an excuse to catch up with college friends.

I dunno about that. Depending on who they fucked over at the Russian branch of their publisher there’s a chance they end up in shallow grave. I give their odds 50/50.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that they were overly ambitious and under-prepared to create the game that they wanted. And hell, if they were that desperate for funding they could have released the game as-is as in early access and I don’t think they’d have nearly as much pushback. But everything they’ve done

Game Freak/TPCi will never do it because they exist to milk the IP, but:

“Oh, Keighley-kohai...”

Hell, just last year Take-Two lost a case with a tattoo artist over Randy Orton’s tattoos in any one of the WWE games. And the outcome of that case that (a) yes, Take-Two infringed on the copyright of the tattoos, and (b) replicating the tattoos had no material impact on the game other than a visual element. Total

Sorry, but if Gene Simmons and his estate want to keep milking the increasingly overpriced live-tour circuit while he’s still kicking then he should haul his septuagenarian ass out on stage every night. Otherwise you’re just watching a bunch of music videos but with more expense hassle.

Based on this announcement of an announcement, I can only assume that Take-Two is *totally* not upset about the gameplay footage leaking last year, and are in no way trying to prevent future leaks by pre-announcing all news related to the game. I even want to know why they were handing out free condoms in the first place? I mean, it looks like they were sleeping in communal bunks, so getting frisky is probably the last thing anybody is going to attempt in an open room surrounded by 300+ random people.

If anything it just gives Keighley more reason to cut down the actual awards portion of the show so he can shove in more ads. “Go up there, announce the nominees, announce the winner, hand off the trophy, aaaaand cut to ad break during the speech.

Yeah, but Elon says otherwise, so who is the Future Class member supposed to believe? Their fellow industry members who would be happy to direct them to information about humanitarian crises via their discord, or 256 characters or less from some internet edgelord? It’s such a tough call! (/s, in case it wasn’t obvious)

On the flipside, the basement-dwelling alt-right former Gamergaters who kept saying they were buying multiple copies to support the TERF are far, *far* more likely to be brazen enough to storm the stage and spout nonsense.

Assuming this has more to do with the Israel/Palestine conflict after the Macy’s parade and less to do with attention-seeking morons wanting five seconds of fame.

One of their previous schemes to make this vaporware “appealing” was to include an NFT with each game purchase. Thankfully that lasted all of five minutes.

Guess you'll have to find some other site to be a cunt. Might I suggest X?

ikr? Now I’ll have to find someplace else to troll the trolls.

I’d add Tomo-chan Is a Girl! to the list of criminally overlooked shows on this trash slideshow.

I wanted to love SLF after binging the entire manga, but I’ve found the anime to be a disappointment. Specifically it’s how they’re animating the combat. Having a mess of frenetic movement until they can hang on a splash panel from the manga feels exceptionally lazy for a series that revolves around combat.