
I was worried the GOP would pass a law that states viability begins at fertilization but no, they were smart and defined viability in the amendment. So yeah, it’s going to be a lot of pissing, moaning, and feet-dragging.

Okay, you sound like an idiot every time you say “ignore the trolls and they’ll go away.” They don’t. The little shitstains got their rocks off the second they hit publish because it doesn’t matter if anybody engages or not. The thought of pissing off a hypothetical person is all they need. They’re not going to go

Don’t be a cunt, WompWhomp.

“Jesus demands that you edge it!”

I’m going to keep the “Yes on 1" sign in my yard for an extra week as a victory lap.

Ohio here. Super happy with how #1 and #2 turned out. Incumbents won on the school board, which means we’re still stuck with one cunt from Moms For Liberty. I’m surprised the new school levy didn’t pass, but they were also super sketch about how they came up with the number outside of “roofs” so I guess it makes sense.

It’ll be fun watching him fall on his face on the national stage in the lead up to 2028.

Dear GOP: Turns out access to abortion and weed are popular. Please continue to oppose these things to your own detriment.

“Because Thomas Jefferson probably smacked Martha across the face once in a while when she got smart, domestic abuse is a deeply ingrained part of American culture just like the right to own a gun.” - Justice Thomas, probably

Luckily Georgia isn’t one of those states, so Trump’s RICO case will be televised and we can all watch him squirm in real-time.

Hey LuckySharp7, got be a cunt somewhere else, okay?

Oh great, just give this overly-Conservative court a reason to revisit and reverse Bostock now that Ginsburg is gone. Because that ended so well for Roe.

Every so often I’ll pop into the sole remaining Gamestop in my city while running errands because I forgot that it’s no longer the same chain that I remember from the 00s/10s. I swear the store is 90% Funko Pops and other tat. They’ll have maybe the latest half dozen first-party Switch games and the rest are used

Nah, Ohio is red. They also approved new maps end of September that maintains the GOP super-majority in the Senate but not the House... but a good chunk of the blue districts are competitive. The Dems on the commission just rolled over, so hopefully the Ds in the actual legislature don’t do the same and we’ll have new

I’m going so write many gloating letters to neighbors when Issue #1 passes.

“If you can’t win, cheat. If you can’t cheat, lie. If you can’t lie, scream at the other person until they relent.” -GOP since 2000

Mark my words, Florida will be the first to eliminate no-fault divorce. They already started laying the groundwork when they harshly limited alimony.

MAGA: “Give us everything we want in the budget or we’ll shut down the government!”

Basically. The 14 Biden-district reps are toast regardless, but at least they can say they *technically* didn’t vote for Jordan. Add on the 10-16 Dem districts being added as part of redistricting lawsuits, and 2024 is going to have to R+10 for the GOP to keep the House.

Still need your address so I can bash your skull in, Rockhard.