
I liked it. I didn’t pay money to see it, but I liked it. 

Exactly, Paul is trapped by his visions of the future. No matter what path he takes, people will kill and die in his name. Paul is not power hungry, he had power thrust upon him and the curse of knowing exactly what his actions and inactions will do in the future. He fights against his gifts until he eventually walks

It works. Through Chani’s eyes, we see Paul for who he truly is: a man as power-hungry as the rest of them.

I thought Babylon was interesting but maybe not in the way it was intended to be. It was an effective portrayal of Hollywood’s lure, but it was hard to tell if it was a valentine or scathing critique. The thing of seeing people’s lives destroyed but, hey, whatever, we got Singing in the Rain out of it! It’s easy to

Babylon made a paltry $15 million at the domestic box office and $63 million worldwide on an estimated $80 million budget.

I liked a lot of the craft on display in Babylon, but narratively it felt like it was from like 40 years ago. The lure of stardom, you say? The hollowness of the Hollywood machine, you say? What novelty!

wasn’t much of a chazelle fan before, but babylon is an absolute masterpiece to me. 

I love the interplay between Brandon Lee and Ernie Hudson. Eric lets the theatricality drop around Albrecht a little, and you can see how much of a strain it is for him to keep going.

“Victims. Aren’t we all?”

If they’re going to do some junkyard zef dirtbag take on the character, just cut out the middleman and make it about Ninja avenging the death of Yo-Landi instead of doing this to Pennywise.

I can’t not see this

It was a bit weird that avclub’s obit didn’t even mention it. It ran for four seasons. Richard Lewis seem to be everywhere in the late 80s/early 90s.

Mall goth never dies. 

Yeah I loved the movie as a kid, but it’s also incredibly silly. The whole, what was it, Hell Night where the gangs go all The Purge and everyone’s like ok so this is happening. The scene at the bar where they yell Fire it up! over and over and take a shot with a bullet lol.

This movie giving off serious Latrine Gun Kelly vibes.

“and, hopefully, bring her back from the dead.”

Also, it’s the most emo superhero movie to ever emo. There’s a casual sincerity to the writing that’s kind of disorienting and really thrilled me as a kid.

I think the reason the original movie works and no sequel ever has is that Brandon Lee’s Crow was actually pretty multi-faceted. He had a dark sense of humor that was barely masking his rage, underlaid by a world weariness that gave you the strong sense that he just wanted this whole thing done with.

Every other

Uh, Brandon Lee. Jason Lee is different guy and very much alive.

I’m already disappointed the movie isn’t actually titled “The Crow: Sobbing Nipple of Justice.