
I liked the first season because it felt like they told half the cast that this show would be bonkers like Twin Peaks, so go nuts...but they told the other half of the cast that they were in a sober, middling family drama; it was fun to watch them bounce off each other.

I liked how the beginning of the second one was basically:

Yeah, and he was pretty entertaining in it.

Agreed. At any given point, I was enjoying the scene I was watching, but the whole was less than the sum of the parts. The Toby Mcquire dungeon scene especially felt like it was from a different movie (but a surreal and darkly funny movie that I would like to watch).

I liked the Dancer Upstairs (which also introduced me to Javier Bardem). I always thought he would go on to direct more movies, but now his explanation of why he stopped designing clothes makes me think it did not do as well as he hoped.  

Marvel should just keep him and claim he is a different Jonathan Majors from a universe where he wasn’t convicted.


Mary McCormack? Missed opportunity to get Cormack McCarthy for a double reboot.  Come see whether the Bartlett gang can get through the controversial Supreme Court nomination of Judge Holden in Blood Meridian II; or, The Evening Redness in the West Wing!

You guessed it: Frank Stallone

Donofrio’s Fisk has never done it for me. The shaved head and temper tantrums makes it feel like he is just a giant toddler instead of a menacing crime boss. Maybe he can do a Baby CrimeBoss cross over with that franchise.  

I really liked that game. I thought it pulled off “live action XCom” gameplay pretty well, and it did a good job of ramping up suspense with the different hive levels of response.  A lot of my missions ended with mad dashes to the transport with my motion trackers going crazy over an incoming wave, and it was great.

I Am Legend 3: the Legend of I Am Curly’s Gold

For plenty of anti-zionists, the Venn diagram of “Zionist” and “Jewish” is a perfect circle.  Not all, but enough to raise suspicions. 


Friends they trust who see it first.

This isn’t really a new lawsuit, it’s just a remix by the Neptunes of the first suit with a previously unreleased recording of Biggie ordering takeout thrown in near the end.  

I don’t see something that happens 1/8 of the way through as a spoiler or twist; it’s the thing itself.  It’s just plot when it happens at the start.  

Shut your mouth!

That will get you some shots early on and maybe a small career out of B movie roles and guest appearances, but to keep getting the big parts you need more than just connections. Robert Downey Jr. didn’t get to play Iron Man just because someone owed Robert Downey Sr. a favor.

I know I’m really late to this party, but this review and a lot of comments I’ve seen about the movie feel shallow. The review dismisses the meta framing device out of hand as just being a Wes Anderson affectation, but it is central to what the movie is trying to do. To be fair, I also rolled my eyes hard when the