
They look the greedy family that got pig-faced after wearing those masks on the original Twilight Zone.

I’ve longed for some sort of colonial marines movie since seeing Aliens (and even more since seeing the screenshots for that Alien vs. Predator game in magazines during the 90's). Would love to see a crew of meatheads in their element and taking on the unknown, but with better leadership than Gorman.

It’s not just Disney, the “Jedi bad, actually” concept has pretty much been the defining viewpoint on the Jedi Order for most of the franchise’s lifespan at this point. A little introspection is welcome in any long-running series, but this has been like the one idea for what to do with the Jedi since it was first

what’s the headline talking about, “fan service?” Trailer looks like boilerplate Alien stuff, not much winking or falling over itself to appease anyone.

My problem isn’t so much overexposure to the Jedi, but overexposure to this specific vision of the Jedi.

In space, no one can hear you Alien.

The thing I always loved about the Romulans was that it seemed like they had just one state sanctioned haircut. 

Dude’s wearing an 80s yuppie bathroom.

Predator: Tattooine

my current Star Wars hot take (esp after watching the prequels) is there’s too much exposure to the Jedi. They’re overpowered, and too self-serious. It’s like reading Lord of the Rings, finding Gandalf to be awesome (correctly), and then making all subsequent Middle Earth media about groups, councils, cities of

This is actually why it doesn’t upset us older people so much as it seems like it could. Because we know, as you know, IT’LL HAPPEN TO YOUUUU!!! Every “generation” (a bullshit idea and term imo, but whatever) thinks “Now we’re here, and we’re completely different, and things can finally be completely different!” Maybe

It’s not even the fact that it is “Super Woke”, for me, it’s more, “let’s tear down people we politically disagree with instead of focusing on actual criticisms of their art”.   It’s the moral pearl-clutching, holier-than-thou attitude that is frankly exhausting.  It just comes across as petty and bitchy.

This site went Super Woke like ten years ago.

What a wild headline. Jerry Seinfeld, one of the most popular sitcom stars of all time, is asked to go on a podcast. Then, whoever this nobody William Hughes is, thinks he should write an article (the irony) to say Jerry shouldn’t be giving his opinions. Why in the world would some hack AV Club writer think this was a

Zionism; literally just the belief that Israel should exist. This might shock you, but most people probably fit the definition of zionist. Even Palestine supporters.

To the outrage of the AV Club and most of its readers for example, thus proving his point.

Ding ding ding. 

William Hughes still obsessed with people who have the audacity to think the Things Williams Hughes Considers Wrong and writing clickbait articles about them for a once great website that is now a sewer of utter shit. Get a real job, you bum.

I don’t understand the point of this article, other than it being a swipe against someone who is past their prime but still largely regarded as a top tier comedian.  What is surprising about a 70 year old man pining for a world he understands?  Does that flush away his accomplishments?  Most of our parents probably