It’s fair to expect that Israel would defend itself to the last for obvious reasons so yeah, if you’re a neighbor in the region it’s not worth banging your head on that rock (unless you’re Iran and can do it via proxy).
It’s fair to expect that Israel would defend itself to the last for obvious reasons so yeah, if you’re a neighbor in the region it’s not worth banging your head on that rock (unless you’re Iran and can do it via proxy).
So you think the Indigenous people need to be kicked out ?
Idk, man. “The good guys should win” isn’t exactly a nuanced geopolitical take.
Stupid, simple or disingenuous? Which one are you?
The underlying problem with Stewart’s solution is this.
Not to mention that anyone who actually legitimately wants the conflict to realistically end? Absolutely has to acknowledge the position of both sides.
The thing is, for those with memories longer than 5 seconds, they remember *why* the Arab neighboring countries don’t want Palestinians.
Except the difference between #1 and #2 is that even if Netanyahu doesn’t want peace, if a solid offer is on the table, he’ll either have to take it, or he’ll lose the next election and that guy will take it instead. Whereas if Hamas doesn’t want peace, who’s gonna force them to abide by the peace?
3 made me laugh the most in his insipid “solution.” What possible benefit would it be to any of those countries? Put people in the line of fire and spend billions, to get what out of it, exactly?
Ah yes who can forget all those prison escapes that involved tons of rape
I dunno. His “send them all to a sing-a-long summer camp in Maine” sounds promising.
I dunno. His “send them all to a sing-a-long summer camp in Maine” sounds promising.
You’ll notice that the Palestinians’ Arab brethren in Egypt and Jordan haven’t exactly been rolling out the red carpet. They’ve been in the middle of this conflict for so long that those governments are worried allowing large numbers into their countries would be poison for their own populations, and they’re probably…
And the issue there is we have no reason to believe Palestinians will elect anyone other than the same Hamas leadership they have now, and all that comes with it. I don’t see an outcome other than Israel pushing through Rafah and finishing off as many Hamas fighters as it can, then reminding Palestinians of the…
The only issues with his plan are:
Love going to the News section of this website and reading such breaking stories as “TV show has another episode”
Dave's not here, man!
I love pot.
You have a lot to say about kettles, but your silence on pots is telling.