
I think it does get better after the first few hours after the world opens up but it all depends on what made you quit. If you’re a compulsive completionist it’s a bit much. I didn’t care at all for the hunting or fishing so only did it when required by the story, and I didn’t go out of my way to find absolutely every

Did you get past the opening snow introduction? Because if not, then yes, very much so.

Now I’m just thinking of that Toast of London episode where he and Ray Bloody Purchase have to do ADR for a gay porno together.

Yes. Yes, it does.

I think “#fakefriends #fakelove” added enough context for me to understand that Jamie was betrayed by someone who he thought was a friend. My mind didn’t immediately jump to “it was the Jews!”.  

It’s super frustrating and feels like you have to have your head pretty deep in the sand to not see how to the broader world “they killed Jesus” is used to almost exclusively talk about the Jews. Obviously from context he wasn’t doing that, but maybe we shouldn’t be treating this like a culture war and just accept

His fake friends killed Jesus?

She was getting death threats and being blasted by Jewish groups. I guess you think women shouldn’t depends themselves? 

This phrase may mean one thing to the black community, but is also used by white nationalists to go after Jews. Aniston had every right to defend herself. Her phone was likely ringing off the hook and there were thousands of comments in her IG feed calling her an antisemite. Jewish groups were calling her out, as she

Aniston amplified this sentiment when she inserted herself into the conversation after it was reported that she “liked” Foxx’s post.

Mind some else’s business? Did she read his diary or something? He wrote a public tweet that millions of people read. People are going to interpret that in different ways. It’s one of the dangers of tweeting.

Never mind that comes a slideshow!

This is a literal nothing of an article.

Slade “The “Deathstroke” Terminator” Wilson

I prefer it if he just goes by his last name and keeps attacking Batman from behind a fence.

Buzz among the insiders is that it was going to feature an eccentric rich guy who likes to dress as a bat and punch the crime out of people. 

The A.V. Club

Am I the only one who thinks Deathstroke the Terminator is a ridiculously over-the-top villain name, and prefers for him to simply be known as Slade?

what sounds cool, exactly? that was vague gibberish