Social Justice Worrier

Is there some sort of blackmarket for incontinence products? Like, if you’re going to forge a coupon, why would you get a box of generic Depends?

I really hope she got her coupon honored before she heard about the managers own misdeeds.  For reasons.

Was Alice Johnson ever on a Trump produced or Trump adjacent television show? Was she convicted of a crime that involved corruption, perjury, obstruction, financial malfeasance or violations of campaign finance law? No? Then she is not getting a pardon Kimmy. Jeez.

As this is a comment thread to a Star Wars movie, I believe it is necessary to add the following geeky piece of pedantry:

If I were paying off writers to get positive reviews of my films, I’d damn sure want more than a B grade for my money.

I’m getting paid. That is, I’m supposed to be working as I type this comment.

Right? She absolutely counter-trolled that woman (rightfully so, of course) and followed her and filmed every single minute of it. I love it. And wasn’t afraid when the cops showed up, either. She straight up just stood next to that piece of shit, defeating any hope the racist bitch might’ve had of Michelle Snider

Ever since Trump got elected white people think Trump gave out a bigotry license to be racist in public wtf 

This reminds me of the time my wife and I were at the beach. The beach had a no alcohol policy (lol), but we cracked a few beers and sat under an umbrella and chilled. There was a Hispanic family next to us (my wife is Mexican-American, but light skinned and is sometimes mistaken for Asian), and sure enough the park

I think there may be a bit more nuance here as, in the BBQ example, they were indeed grilling in the wrong place and in the case of Starbucks, they were technically trespassing once the manager (for right or wrong) decided they were. The real lesson is that it’s not necessary to call the cops for non-emergencies that

Two hours. She stood there for TWO HOURS. JUST JOIN THE KLAN ALREADY. I bet theor meetings are only like 15 mins.

Moreover, it’s not punishable by death.

She wanted to witness her whiteness at work, which meant waiting on the cops in order to drop that damsel in distress routine.

Imagine giving enough of a shit about what other people are doing to call the police on them for grilling food in a park, then sit there for two fucking hours waiting for the police to show up. Fucking why? She just had to ensure “justice” was served and the police confiscated their grill or something? Jesus fucking

I wouldn’t mind if Kelly did that.

You just know that Kelly has daydreams about snatching Trump’s shitty Android out of his baby hands and smashing it into a million pieces. Then threatening to pistol whip anyone who attempts to replace it.

Samesies. As a gangly, awkward teenage girl, I was shot down more than once but guess what? I grew up and got over it. It isn’t rocket science nor a reason to murder anyone.

I don’t know where people like these guys get the idea that they are the FIRST PERSON EVER in history to experience rejection, loneliness, or a sexual dry spell. The injustice! The only solution is obviously murder.

Yeah, I didn’t realize that failed relationships or being unpopular now mean you get a complimentary violent rampage at the public space of your choice. Times sure have changed!

I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder