Social Justice Worrier

The reality of it is that if a progressive wins the nomination, they’ll have to get moderates. If a moderate wins, they’ll have to get progressives. I would probably put my money on the former working better than the latter, but it’s not like the ultimate nominee won't have ground to cover regardless. 

It helps to remember what some of those propaganda efforts were aimed at. Not necessarily at getting people to switch their vote to Trump. It was also aimed at depressing turnout among Democrats by playing up the fact that Clinton was more of a center left politician not a true progressive, and increasing turnout

I’m just gonna go ahead and say that Bernie should do what he should’ve done before he announced his 2020 candidacy (his 2016 run was fine—and necessary): Step aside for Warren, and be the elder statesman he’s earned the right to be.

Not everyone needs to be President. Shit, President isn’t even the strongest office in

But what’s the status on Korg?!

Somber Rocket may the saddest damn thing I’ve seen in a long time.

It’s an elaborate mess concealing an emptiness. You’re absolutely correct - it’s the perfect metaphor for what he is. “There’s no there, there.”

The only reason the ATC’s could start calling in sick was because Pelosi held the Dem caucus together in such an unbreakable front that the R’s couldn’t find anyplace to chip away at it. The fact that people don’t understand how hard that is doesn’t mean it’s not the most important aspect of the past month+. Boehner

“...he will just say that it is not broken, or already fixed, or that it was always supposed to be that way, or that someone else did it.”

Funny how quickly the government gets funded when 14,000 unpaid IRS workers call in sick.

Bingo. Even Orwell would have had a hard time imagining a person to whom doublethink comes as naturally.

“He’ll never work any harder at it” is extremely accurate, and I think the 2nd most defining aspect of Trump outside of Adam Serwer’s “the cruelty is the point.” As a lazy procrastinator, I can see so much of my own self-destructive behaviors in the shutdown and other failures. Trump just forgot to tell anyone that he

I’m not sure anybody gets the credit as much as Trump takes the loss. Air controllers calling in sick is the logical conclusion to withholding their pay. Turns out people who perform an important function don’t appreciate being paid in IOUs.

I like giving credit to Pelosi, but really this was the air line workers (particular the traffic controllers) that steered this to a temporary stop. If this manufactured crisis could somehow revitalize the nearly dead labor movement, it wouldn’t necessarily have been “worth it” but would have produced an interesting

He believes the bit about the smugglers and the duct tape because he believes it, and because he believes it now he will never stop believing it.

That was the moment where I first thought, he did some shady stuff in high school.  

All of them, especially Kavanaugh himself, were given their marching orders direct from Trump. He wanted to see them yell and scream and denounce the entire process, because that’s what he would do in their place, and they all understand that nobody’s opinion matters so long as they can force him through. So this

He seems like he is having a mental breakdown. Like he is under enormous pressure to oppose this. Anyone seen the Black Mirror episode, “Shut up and Dance”?

I can only speak for myself here. I was sexually assaulted and almost raped by a work colleague of mine. Only two people believed and cared - everyone else either didn’t believe me or shrugged it off with the usual, What were you wearing? (pajamas. I was asleep in bed). What was he doing at your place? (I let him

But no mention of Dr. Ford, who had to MOVE OUT OF HER HOME

Wouldn’t want his harem of hot female clerks to think he wasn’t down for a little adultery.