Social Justice Worrier

I always thought the most effective approach to get the GOP to impeach would be to make them understand that once Trump consolidated power, he’d try to rid himself of Congress.

Conway just loves lying. Spiceman is dying on the inside.

Did he finally wise up to the fact that a good liar makes things seem plausible? He’s in as deep as the rest; this investigation into Comey’s firing might divert attention from the main Russia investigation.

Because the microwave is gonna allow Kevin Spacey to see me in my underwear? It that he would care about my lady bits, but we could have a good laff.

It would be so delicious if this Russia thing extended to him as well.


God this was me for most of my life. Signed, a reformed superlate person.

I have told you before that I love your posts. Perhaps you did not know that I also stare at them for weirdly long periods of time. Sigh flutter

That’s funny. For me, the tenth reunion looked rough, but by the twentieth, everyone had decided to eat right and exercise and looked great again.

When the tanks show up in the streets and journos start getting killed en masse it it won’t be a surprise in the least.

Don’t. This is just a continuation and progression of the Bush regime, after an 8-year break.

How can Russians be such awesome people and Russia suck so bad?

Wow, people are really wary of the U.S. now. I had no idea how bad it had gotten. Last night I spent convincing myself life would be largely normal no matter what happened with the Russian investigation. Then my husband reminded me war was a option to distract from the investigation.

Wow, really? French is hard, though. J/k, I’m-a lookin into this.

Here with you, babe. Married with a kid, so I can’t fight as hard as I want. But I stand with you and all the fighters.

India and China produce unmaintainable shit code and they don’t get it right the first time, either. Anyone who’s tried the outsourcing route knows this. Unless you’re doing a promotional one-off, it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

Canada is huge. We could all fit in there. In the cold parts, yes, but hey.

Well, maybe the U.S. isn’t the innocent one here or something.

It sucks she couldn’t refuse to give her commission to the racist lady. Why not get the manager to give the commission to the ladies who recognized her? She is a lot more generous than I would have been. Anyway, her trauma, her own way of dealing with it. Maybe she a little bit enjoyed getting the racist lady to serve

He’s an international rock star and has never stage dove? What is he even doing with his life.