Same way punk rock doesn’t have anything to do with bottoms in prison?
Same way punk rock doesn’t have anything to do with bottoms in prison?
Yeah that Santorum it pooped out at the end may have put me off bivalves forever.
I am never eating a clam again.
The destruction of American democracy is proceeding rather quickly, thank you...
Yeah, but who brought Nixon down? Congress? Our Congress today is much less functional that Nixon’s Congress.
You in particular don’t care about fashion. That doesn’t make you a gender essentialist. Do you assume all men don’t know a thing about fashion and all women care about it a lot? Cuz THAT would make you a gender essentialist.
This... actually... works. I would have liked to see her hair or makeup jazzed up a bit, but she generally pulls this look off.
Jimmy, don’t be such a tool. Stop trying to make a dude analogue for wearing art. There is none, and we don’t give a fuck.
Fuck yeah, the icing on this pwn-cake
I was hoping, and honestly did not think they would sink this low. Well, now at least we know for sure how spineless the Republicans are.
I’m imagining said staffer grimacing (because Ted is talking) and fake nodding.
Gee, I wonder why Trump went through 6 bankruptcies...
Gawd, I bet half the reason Trump wants to fire McMaster is so he can replace him with another Russian agent.
This is how healthcare in China worked, according to someone who is from there (she moved here decades ago). If you went to the doctor and didn’t show up with a fistful of cash, they’d kick you out to die in the street. As someone with a normal human amount of compassion, I find it difficult to believe that this is…
Yeah, but he says “God” every chance he gets. He is actually a pretty good con man.
You caused me to just fantasize hard about a liberal gun manufacturing industry. I wouldn’t mind owning a gun, but would be loathe to give my money to a company which is driving current NRA policy. What if we could subvert that industry entirely?
Yeah, like the festival organizers know how to tell the truth
Well, they are kind of covered. But men and women would be in different pools, so women would have to bear all of the cost of childbirth and prenatal/postnatal care, while men would of course not be responsible for anything having to do with pregnancy and birth.
Bitter laughter to go with bitter tears.