C. Hansen

I am being inconvenienced rather severely.

Closest VW dealership is over an hour away, only takes turn ins 2 days a week and are usually the days I am out of town for work.

I will lost $2,000 at a minimum overall in the deal...

Plus I have to go to more car dealerships.... The DEAL was that I wouldn’t have to do this

If it wasn’t the owners doing it, it will be the employees of whichever dealership these cars are stored at until VW picks them up.

That is satire, which I believe is pretty legally defensible.

This sounds like Clarkson got tired of being told “you can’t do that because lawsuit” and decided to just go over the top with it to make the BBC look pedantic and envious.

As a fellow fan of disruption and less legalistic oversight, red tape, etc., I’ll point you to the section that threatens him to civil penalties of $21,000 per day past the Nov. 10 due date to answer these questions, likely required in tremendous detail. That doesn’t seem much like a friendly dialogue to me.

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

Only a professional super-soft wash will do:

I try to avoid the ones with the frilly scrubbers as pictured, and use the ones with bikinis instead.

Anker (or Aukey) for me. Accept no substitutes.

If you ever find yourself in this situation, (you shouldn’t, a car should never be worth risking your life unless the car is going to save your life) and you literally have no other options, please at least put the removed wheel under the brake rotor.

Jeez man, hope he heals up soon. I hate getting under my car, even with jack stands and floor jack in place, it terrifies the shit out of me. I still do it.

This is a little messed up, but back in high school I knew some guys who took advantage of this kind of institutional racism; two of the guys were white, and the other was black. They’d enter at the same time through different doors, and when the employees started following the black kid around, the two white kids

Yeah, I can’t believe that’s legal. They took her card out of her wallet, without permission, and then charged her what I think is an excessive amount. And all for trying to return stuff, for which she had a fucking receipt!

Yeah, most LP ‘officers’ are not really that smart (and often they’re total power tripping assholes who are either racist or just power mad). It’s pretty much why I got out of that department. I was not that invested in catching thieving customers (which was difficult under the rules and I didn’t break them) so much

Once when I was followed by two guys from store security, I turned around, walked up to them and told them that I would be going to two more departments. I then suggested that they should consider turning down their radios since they were like undercover and whatnot...the expression on the two doofus’ (doofi?) stupid

When she refused to do so, her credit card was removed from her wallet and charged for the full amount.

Seriously, she was basically robbed.

Of course it’s because you’re white! It’s nothing to wonder about. It’s real.

Some stores I responded to back in my patrol days would pull this. I doubt loss prevention liked it very much when I showed up because I'd loudly announce to the suspect that just because the police are here, they didn't need to sign anything and shouldn't construe my presence as some sort of implication that they

I hope she was able to call the credit card company and get the charged dismissed. that’s bullshit.