
What makes you think that the president has the authority to do such a thing? He isn’t up there bragging about his phone and his pen like his predecessor did.

LOL! ...New Yorkers. They’re just so darn cute when they’re righteously angry.

Oh!!!! I get it. That was meant to be clever!

Yeah, “self-identify” was kind of an important term there. Cause, you know, reading comprehension and all...

Troll? Because I disagree with you and know damn well that the United States will probably never elect a self-identified socialist? And exactly what part of what I said was “fake news”? The polls were certainly fake but YOU’RE the one citing them as evidence that Bernie could have won a general election.

Jesus, kid.

“For some reason” is our delightful media misleading the great, unwashed masses...yet again. Regardless of who did what, the content of what got leaked is unvarnished truths from the DNC and Hillary’s campaign. Embarrassing and unflattering...but truths none the less.

It’s funny as all get out that the same people who

Are you going to cite polls to suggest that Bernie Sanders would have won a vote against Trump? Polls? Like those same polls who were saying Hillary was a stone cold lock for president? Those polls?

Bernie Sanders had absolutely zero chance of being elected president. Period. Just because he was the cool hip choice of

How do we have an article on, what is essentially, liability and insurance...and only one quasi lawyer (because professor’s don’t actually practice law...they teach it) and nobody from the insurance industry was consulted?

Three academics and a research scientist employed by the state. Why do most “journalists” only

Pretty sure the manufacturer has product liability coverage. Cities and states have liability policies for infrastructure faults...and so on. So, it won’t be just the driver. In fact, if the lawyer is going after the deepest pockets, they’re targeting the manufacturer.

You realize they already have an airplane for the president, right? And that a C-130 can’t land and taxi up to the front door of Trump Tower.

I mean, seriously, the reactions of people to this is starting to border on childish. It’s an Air Force plane (not Secret know...the guys who would be doing this

It’s a C-130 flying circles. How is that “improving security” or how will that in any way contribute to a possible rescue scenario? They can’t land it in the street in front of Trump Tower (or wherever his Oompa Loompness will be residing), they have Air Force 1 for air travel (and a lot better kitted out for guys are a bunch of angsty bed wetters. He’s still a private citizen and has no standing to ask or order anything as of yet. There still is a President Obama and he still does live at 1600 Pennsylvania. He has the authority to order crap like this. But then again, it’s just a frickin’ plane flying loops.


It’s almost as if these corporations are in business for some reason other than to acquire the most diverse workforce ever.

It will be once she realizes the backlash she’s getting for making such a convoluted point solely in the service of slamming men for some gender-based axe she needed to grind is genuine. THEN it will be “satire” and none of us were deep enough to “get it”.

Probably because we’re men, I’m guessing.

“It is unique in the solar system.” Given how we don’t even understand this thing’s shape...probably not. If it happened on Earth, it would immediately be due to global warming even if we don’t understand the mechanics of what’s going on.

More than 100 years? Must be that damned new math.


I’ve lived in GA for the past 14 years and, coming entirely as an anecdote, tornado sirens in my neighborhood are much less frequent than they used to be. By coincidence, my phone went off the other night to tell me that a tornado watch had been put into effect in my area...and it had been so long since that app

I’m honestly curious: how does taxing the bejezus out of someone end up giving someone else more money? The money you take from one person isn’t simply given to another via the government. The government pays for public housing, WIC, food stamps, welfare and such, but that isn’t a wealth transfer. That money (aside

“Reddit needs to contend with its own shrieking tide of ignorance and hatred now, and outgrow the notion that fewer rules is the shortest distance to greater authenticity.”

So...censorship then? Someone types something you don’t like or disagree with, you get it banned? Why is it that free speech, election laws and