
You do realize the article describes how the spending was cut back during the Democrat regime, right? The same folk who will say that government spending is the way out of a recession or even a slow recovery.

I thought government spending was supposed to be a good thing.

Exactly so except let’s name the issue more directly: he pretty much crapped all over the separation or powers as established by the Constitution. His pen and phone set precedents that most sane Americans (as opposed to Democrats and Republicans) had real fears for. Once that poop is out of the horse, it can’t be put

Would that include the first 2 years where his party controlled both houses of Congress? Because, you know, their immobility during those first 2 years was what voters were pissed about when the 2010 elections came around and the other party took lots of seats.

Just sayin’...

It comes down to philosophy. You either believe adults can think for themselves and form their own opinions or you believe that someone “smarter” has to censor what everyone else sees so that the “correct” opinions are formed. I guarantee you this: this story is only on here today because Hillary Clinton is not

So...yet more of “if you don’t agree with me (and my liberal viewpoint), you’re stupid”. How refreshing.

How’s that prediction working out for you this morning? I didn’t vote for the man (I voted third party) but for crissake...people drown drinking less Koolaid than you consumed in this article.

2nd worst.

It’s a paid shill ad/article. What did you expect?

I take an Uber once every other Friday from Bush International in Houston to my girlfriend’s house in Spring when I go to visit. I’ve taken one Uber here in Atlanta and one in San Antonio, TX. Every single Uber ride I have been driven by either a black male or a white woman. I am a white male.

Never been overcharged.

I’m just wondering how much of this is possibly due to Hillary’s poll numbers taking sudden turns south when the polling agencies are coming under increasing fire for “cooking” their poll results via oversampling groups that would normally be pulling the lever for Clinton? Trump has said publicly that the AG and FBI

Embarrassing for me? Perhaps you thought that deserts didn’t form, coastlines didn’t change and the air quality never budged before “climate change”? And yeah, the article still didn’t mention the words “climate change”.

The article said nothing about climate change.

So what, you had to out-asshole the imaginary anticipated assholes?

Congrats...I guess.

Pretty sure the next big quake won’t be terribly selective about who it kills. Every asshole there is on that list regardless of origin.

But I thought climate change was mankind’s fault.

I approve this message.

Actually, I make this flight every other weekend (for the most part) and I find the sweet spot to be 3 weeks out. That said, I wasn’t complaining that Google didn’t find the cheapest fare...they quoted a price that wasn’t accurate. I went to the carrier moments later and found their actual price was cheaper.

Except they didn’t. I checked with the carrier again (because I wanted to see how good Google Flight was because I tend to use Kayak now). The cost was the same I paid. GF was simply higher.


Came here to say this. Colonization (when it happens) will likely be underground. The moon is thought to be seismically inert so they could use the already existing cave systems from the lava tubes, seal them up, pressurize them...and voila, instant moon based habitat for humanity.