
I was going to say the Weber 22" but I love me Weber 22" Performer. it gives you some prep space.

I was going to say the Weber 22" but I love me Weber 22" Performer. it gives you some prep space.

Like what is happening? Vote Republican on 11/7

Henry Ford negotiated with his employees to try to keep the unions out, and helped bring about our idea of a living wage and a 40-hour work week.

Ok, I’ll buy it. But there’s gonna be some changes. Namely firing pretty much everyone that works at Splinter. Deal? Deal.

Interesting that one of the “recommended stories” to this piece is...

Chill, child.

Former President Doesn’t Get It; Wet Behind The Ears Child Blogger Gets Everything

of course, the trick is that anyone who disagrees with you is a RACIST.

You don’t NEED to hear anything, you can’t silence anyones ideas. With my free speech I can tell you that you’re a moron that actually believes theres nazis in America, that you actually believe pepe memes are nazi and whats even more egregious is that you think YOU’RE just like the ones who died fighting actual nazis

Bingo. People keep failing to recognize that the government that they are putting so much faith in to make laws against guns is the same government that FAILED TO STOP THESE KILLERS. Law enforcement was notified multiple times, multiple branches and nothing. It’s the system that failed, not the law and most definitely

No, they just refuse to do the things you want them to do, because they believe that those things won’t work. This is a problem of methodology in addressing the underlying causes of violence, not which guns look scarier and how they go bang.

This is one of the things that perplexes me about the left today. We’ve got this government who is spying on us at unprecedented levels, classifying information at unprecedented levels, murdering civilians in other countries we haven’t declared war with using drones, starting wars for the most dubious reasons

The only people who want innocents and children shot are the people going out and shooting innocents and children. The rest of us just differ on what measures we think will and won’t be effective, and whether giving up liberty for the promise of safety is worth it.

No no, because HamNo wants the GOV’T to overthrow the rich and then distribute their ill-gotten gains out to him. You don’t expect him to actually do the dirty work, do you? What HamNo doesn’t realize is that in his fantasy, the so-called intellectuals, no matter how poor, go on the pile just as easily as the

For a socialist revolutionary who ends every other piece with a threat of overthrowing the rich, one would think you would like guns more.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

I never want to be so starving for internet attention that I race to be the first to make molestation jokes. You’re trash.

Calling it “pink slime” over and over again is telling the truth? No, that’s something you do when you want to create controversy to drum up ratings.

So were ABC and Disney able to *prove* that “pink slime” is unsafe for human consumption?

They irresponsibly reported on something in a way that intentionally turned the public against something that was never a problem and actually a net positive for society. Its bad journalism and they deserved to be punished for trying to use it for their benefit.