
Pretty sure a crudely Photoshopped plane against the Toronto skyline != “a threatened terrorist attack”.

Perhaps dialing down the hyperbolic and partisan-inspired rhetoric by “journalists” (gad, that felt wrong even typing that word in relation to this screed) like you might help to de-escalate crap like this. For

Rules are for everyone, assholes. Not just those who you disagree with.

You play stupid games and you win stupid enjoy that.

I see your problem. They’re “machines that kill indiscriminately from a distance”.

Clearly the obvious solution is to speak to the machines, make them understand that killing is wrong, encourage them to wound or maybe just be scary and that when they actually DO decide to kill (machines do this kind of shit all the

There’s already sensible gun legislation. It’s just that your ilk get a gun measure passed, gun violence does nothing and so you think you haven’t gone far enough...and so you redefine “sensible”.

That’s fantastic. Whether that stat is actual or rectally sourced doesn’t matter. You have made YOUR choice to trust to the odds. I’m delighted you have the option to choose to not arm yourself. Why then does it matter to anyone else if I arm myself?

The Venn diagram overlap of people who believe everyone should be

What you describe as “barriers” are such to you because we lack the technology to circumvent them. Back when we were still living in caves I’m sure we regarded rivers as huge barriers and oceans as outright lunacy to try and cross. You have to consider that if we use the Big Bang as a starting point, we’ve had around

I noticed “grow the fuck up” and “cultivate a thicker skin” were conspicuously absent from your list.

Childish, indeed.

I didn’t vote for her or Trump but the last thing she really wanted was to be judged on her accomplishments and merit. She had precious little of either and what she had wasn’t positive or complimentary. She played fast and loose with the rules, helped to run an influence peddling foundation, can’t believe her

Actually, to the contrary, the origin of my unease with this is precisely one of us understands the legal definition of libel...and since that person ain’t you, allow to help you:

Libel: “a published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation”. Period. End of story.

There is literally no way ABC could

If I were to refer to you as that “rude, flatulent, insensate hominid” (all true characterizations of you at some point) and people who encountered you called you that and when discussing you with other people identified you as such and not your given name to the point they don’t even know your think that

Are you suggesting that poor ABC/Disney didn’t have the cash capacity to hire the same lawyers some South Dakota based meat processor did?

Do you even apply logic to your thought process? Could you try to?

And you seem to have no understanding of it either. The quoted portion of the plaintiff’s case was that ABC called an already named product “pink slime” and the plaintiff’s were entirely correct in asserting that ABC News’ DECISION to call their product that and not what the plaintiff called the ACTUALLY MARKETED AND

Couple of things: it’s not economic theory but an accurate recount of the way it worked once. That it diverges from a competing model that you prefer doesn’t make it theory so you can conversationally dismiss it. Recognizing history and reality isn’t insane.

The world I’m talking about isn’t what you described. The

And your opinion is based on what you know and personally experience. It would likely surprise you to know that it wasn’t always like this. That government wasn’t the biggest employer and that the taxes they confiscate weren’t nearly as much as they are today. People used to be able to make a living and send their

While you identify those types of cases please also bend a thought to men who are abused and assaulted by women who do not press charges out of shame and embarrassment. It nearly takes an act of God to see a woman charged with domestic violence. I was in a terrible marriage that, near the end, saw my ex getting up

There isn’t a wage gap as it’s being argued. Women who do the same job as men get paid the same...because that’s the law. Where the “gap” shows up is when you take the average of what a woman makes and compare it to the average of what a man makes. Women ON AVERAGE make less than men...but that average doesn’t take

The headline: “Disarm All Domestic Abusers Now” followed by “[t]he charges were there was no conviction and no possibility that Hodgkinson would lose his guns or be prevented from buying or owning something like an M4-style assault rifle.

It’s not solely an issue of their cable’s also their viewership numbers. ESPN doesn’t generate revenue solely from their cable subscriptions. There is such a thing as ad dollars and those are what’s at stake here.

For a group who likes to pride themselves on assuming they’re so much smarter than