
What does this mean for the bathroom laws in NC?

Yeah Rick Scott sucks but can we at least be honest and admit HIV is not scary and should not have a stigma attached to it? It’s totally preventable with PrEP and totally treatable in the event you get it. In California it’s actually legal to knowingly give someone HIV because it’s such not a big deal. I mean, there

As someone who was actually inside the towers on 911 I think I’m allowed to ask that you delete this comment, effective immediately.

Social media is basically a never-ending 911.

At the same time, we shouldn’t let the acts of a few monsters spoil an entire day for us every year and especially a day as important as a birthday. If we let them take this day from us, they win. No two ways about it. We can remember and mourn while also having a great day on one of the last days of summer. Beautiful

Thank you for this insult.

I didn’t know Ben Shapiro was a progressive.

Amongst other professions, yes. Some call me a “Renaissance Man,” including myself.

So, this morning I was eating breakfast with my two older sisters and my mom and my grandma and my sister who’s like a year or two older than me - not the oldest one, second oldest - is into Trump and MAGA and all that and yeah, it’s pretty embarrassing for all of us. Obviously she had to ruin breakfast time with her

Hey, infectious diseases doctor here and I just want to clarify that as soon as you eradicate one preventable disease another one pops up literally out of nowhere. Kind of a zero sum game. I get your point, just have to say that.

Earl, have you not slept? Your brain is still as if it has made an attempt to recreate itself as a pretzel.

I think they’ve actually got it backwards. The way to get back to an America like the one right after 911 isn’t through opposing people like Kaepernick, it’s by embracing and supporting those who exercise the most basic American right - protesting against America.

This girl is elaborately stacked.

So, I feel like we toss around the “crisis” tag a little to easily? Like there are legit crisis’s and then there are things we just want to raise awareness about and calling those things a crisis is the easiest way to get peeps’ attention.

So, I starred your post for a couple reasons. The first reason is that because, well, it’s correct. The Democrats aren’t even left of center anymore. The second reason is because if I’m not mistaken that is an Antifa avatar you have. So I just wanted to say thank you for your service.

Earl, pretzels are for eating, not for to make your brain a shape as if it were them. Do you not think there were factions, both domestically and internationally, happy to see Senor Bolton join the team? Maybe the point was to appease those factions because, at the time, they needed appeasing. Maybe they don’t need to

Depression is the greatest form of entertainment.

He was hired to appease a certain crowd and appeasing that certain crowd is no longer necessary. So, why have him around any longer? He polls terribly.

John Bolton’s hiring was a geopolitical move akin to Gary Cohn’s. He was never taken seriously. 

I’ll admit it, I love Uber and I love love love Lyft. What can I say? I’m a sucker for new tech. But I can’t shake this feeling that once the cab companies are thoroughly crushed Uber and Lyft will raise their prices above where the cabs used to be. I always thought tech corporations were like, kinda friendly in a