
Your adverb is modifying thought. It should modify possible (i.e., thought humanly possible).

I feel the same. Seems like the best way to commemorate 9/11 would be to carry on with all of life’s little joys and pleasures. Certainly, the terrorists who did it would be thrilled to know they created a day where everyone feels a social pressure to be sad and serious, and things like birthdays seem “inappropriate”.

I worked in homeless outreach for years and this is true for roughly 50% of the homeless population. There are a ton of folks who wouldn’t move inside if you handed them the keys to Trump Tower. The other half, though, are just desperately impoverished, and a lot of them are families.

LMAO Democrats might have picked up over 40 seats but the left sure didn't, which is a damn shame.

It would be super awesome if Deadspin could go one single day without unnecessarily veering into politics.

Because it was put in an inside suit pocket. 

I’m guessing so it would fit in a suit jacket pocket. Literally playing it close to the vest.

Strength training has lots of benefits... Strong bones and muscles help protect against injury as we age[1], lean muscle mass helps burn more calories and keep weight down, strength training helps with things like balance and coordination, exercise in general helps with mood and energy, and like aerobic exercise

...or robots...maybe a really clever tree?

Well, some scientists are skeptical of some vaccines, so I’m not sure you’ve really thought this one out. I tend to not be prejudice against anyone. Anyone.

All I’m saying is that they can’t all be bad

All I’m saying is that they can’t all be bad, and that given what we know about science and technology these days they’re definitely contrarian, if not classic rebels.