That’s not even the weirdest thing they sell. What about these “Ladies Clip” which appears to be jewelry for your... clit/inner labia?
That’s not even the weirdest thing they sell. What about these “Ladies Clip” which appears to be jewelry for your... clit/inner labia?
This whole thing is awesome and they look awesome and I want that dress.
“Slutty dolphin trainer” Heh. Sorry, I just enjoyed that movie more than I probably should have.
I love futuristic dresses. My dream wardrobe would basically be every outfit from every SF ever, even the bad/stupid ones like The Cloud Atlas.
My mother.
Do they not teach “The Male Gaze” at any educational institution anymore?
That is 100% not out-of-line or being a moron, that is you being a good friend, even if she doesn’t realise it.
Um, you provide no sources, and characterised mutable regions which has no hard definition. Yours was also just opinion, masquerading as fact. Own it, bro.
I have shit hormone-related skin and I only do one step extra. The makeup industry is built on snake oil. If you have to believe in it, then it doesn’t actually work. That’s the whole point of belief.
People really don’t get how bad smoking is for your skin and outside bits.
This is the best “put coconut oil on it” application I’ve ever read. Good show.
Nothing. If you have to “believe” in it for it to work, then it’s a waste of money or time or effort or all three.
Europe is not a country.
Kickstarter to make it happen.
Guillermo Del Toro’s house is already the world’s best gothic-horror-monster museum, so I think they’re going to have a hard time beating him.
Based on what you wrote here, it needs to come to that, because otherwise your kids are going to be fucked up beyond repair from what you are teaching them.
James Deen looks like a banana dipped in moist flour. is where it’s at.
I hate Gotham less than most TV (which is my version of “liking it”), but it takes a couple of episodes to pick up.