Cra. Fub.


My best friend worked on this game!! IM SHARING THE FUCK OUT OF THIS.

Eroge are mankind’s highest form of expression, combining every known human value: money, sex, self-determination, and coupon-clipping.

Michelle Obama gives a speech with such honesty that Republican and Democrat alike are floored for days and can do nothing but slow clap.

Melania gives an interview where she dutifully repeats the talking points that imply her husband was a 59 year old ‘boy’ subject to peer pressure, and there are protests in the

Yeah, I don’t get how that’s supposed to be a logical progression at all.

1. Go to vet school

Ellie have u thought more about whether 51 bananas would have a positive or negative effect on ur bowels

I know some people are going to brush this away, but I cannot tell you how harmful these ads are, how pervasive and how damaging. Being Afro-Brazilian on one side & Indian on the other, I see this shit in both my cultures, and with a lot of my female friend and family circle and I still, at 45 years old, I still can’t

“...descend into autism...”

The answer to your questions are:

Well, good. Wakefield can go peddle his double-down propaganda piece on fringe cruises and to the tinfoil-hat crowd. The Tribeca Film Festival risked their reputation screening this dreck, and it seems that finally sank in.

You’d think she would have learned this lesson after someone tugged on her clothes...

Honestly, the most shocking thing about this is that Madonna has fans that are 17 years old

10/10 would read

Lol, imagining the Octopit Relationship Advice Column, where every answer to every letter would be this comment copy/pasted.