Cra. Fub.

Reformat the hard drive.

Get divorced.

It is possible, but you need to stop texting him, and get angry.

He’s gay.

Black Mirror?

Stress permeating a house is one thing, violent actions is another. Not saying he’s going to hit you, but the ones that do often start with damaging property to normalise violence around the person they then go on to abuse. It’s part of the grooming process. Even “scary angry”.

You’re dating a teenage boy. They’re mostly like this, with few exceptions. Unless he gives really good head he’s not worth it.

Doesn’t matter how sensitively you handle it, you will look “sensitive” because you are a woman pointing out that you don’t need to be mansplained to, and any pushback is always taken badly, even though they are the ones being unprofessional.

Considering the quality of men I’ve interacted with on the dating scene in my area, any cooking skill would impress me. But obviously YMMV, depending on the percentage of manbabies in your neck of the woods.

Was your doctor a GP or a gyno?


If anyone wants to see stuff like this you had better hurry: All of it’s going to be gone once the mine at Mindaroo decides it wants to expand. Pilbara’s disappearing fast.

You misunderstand. My point wasn’t that killing is the answer, or that a fetus is a “life” even by biblical standards (it isn’t). I was expressing that even in places in the world where there is excellent parental support, social services, gender and monetary equality, and overall quality of life, the abortion rate

They’re pointing out that the common aspect of painting two very unequal sides as somehow equally contributing to a problem when it has been entirely constructed and all the violence has been acted out by one side is concern trolling. It’s not about anyone “minding their own damn business”, it’s about pregnant people

go after the things that cause people to make that decision

Enjoy your autumn, northern hemisphere.

I honestly can’t tell the difference between her and Jessica Chastain unless they wear name stickers.

This kind of behaviour is pretty on-par with Hungary in general at the moment. The place is a racist, nationalist shithole run by a fascist dictator. Anyone who isn’t on board has either got out, is getting out, or is hiding.

Nobody has to believe in the concept of redemption for sex offenders -caught, convicted, or otherwise - when you’re a person who lives in a rape culture.

There’s one shot for all allergies and it’s call epinepherine or adrenaline. Are the vials IV vitamins or something?